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Shayan Chowdhury, (born 27 January, 1979) known as Arnob, is a Bangladeshi musician, singer and composer.
Arnab earned his master's degree from Vishwa Bharati University.
Arnob, Sahana Bajpaie and another artist Anusheh Anadil formed the band Bangla in Visva-Bharati. They started performing in Kolkata. Later he has released four solo albums and also worked with Prayer Hall. The debut album as a solo artist was Chaina Bhabish which included the acoustic version of the song Shey Je Boshe Achhe, followed by Hok Kolorob. This album was a compilation of songs Arnob had written during his years at Shantiniketan. This album also contains lyrics of Sahana Bajpaie and Taufiq Riaz.
Arnob released his third album Doob in April 2008. He worked with Sahana Bajpaie, Srabonti Narmeen Ali, Saad, the MAK, Zohad, Andrew, Idris Rahman, Fariha Kamal, Rajib Ashraf and others. Arnob released his fourth album "Rod Boleche Hobe" in October 2010. It is his 4th studio album and was released from his own music company "Adhkhana Music".
The Jaega (also Jega, Xega, Jaece, Geiga, Jobe) were a tribe of Native Americans living along the coast of present-day Martin County and Palm Beach County, Florida at the time of initial European contact, and until the 18th century. Little is known of the origins of the Jaegas, but they may have been a tribe of the Ais people, who occupied the coast to their north. Hernando de Escalante Fontaneda, who was held captive by tribes in Florida for 17 years during the 16th century, implied that the Ais and the Jaega spoke the same language. The Jaega were linked to the Ais by marriage between chiefs and their relatives. The Ais and Jaega languages have been tentatively assigned by some scholars to the Muskogean language family, and by others to the Arawakan language family.
There is little written history about the Jaega. They were likely similar in culture and custom to the surrounding Calusa, Tekesta and Ais tribes. The indigenous peoples of South Florida were all hunter-gatherers. Food was abundant enough to make agriculture unnecessary. Middens (Refuse mounds), consisting mostly of oyster and conch shells, also contain clues to the Jaega culture. Their diet consisted mainly of fish, shellfish, sea turtles, deer and raccoon, as well as wild plants including coco palms, sea grapes, palmetto berries and tubers. Bits of broken pots and scraps of grass skirts demonstrate that crafts including pottery and weaving were known and practiced. One of the largest and best preserved Jaega middens is within what is now DuBois Park at the Jupiter Inlet Historic and Archeological Site, across from the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse.
Hobe (also: von Hobe von Gelting, Baron von Hobe-Gelting, Hobe Freiherr von Gelting or Monforts von Hobe) is the name of an old German noble family from Mecklenburg, which also became influential in Denmark. Branches of the family are still in existence today.
19th century scholars assumed that the Hobe family came to Mecklenburg from Pomerania, but before that came from the Lower Rhine. It was there that the knight Hermannus dictus Hůbe scabinus in Willich appears in a record in 1272. In 1283 a knight named Hobe is mentioned as a witness for Kolbatz Abbey, one Hobo in 1284 in the town of Greifswald, Reimbertus Hobe is a witness for a deed of the monastery of Verchen in 1287, and his possible brother the knight Johannes Hobe was a witness for the town of Demmin 1292. The son of the latter, Johannes Hobe, owned half of Cavelsdorf in 1324-1325 in the Principality of Rügen. His descendants were still in possession of the fief of Beestland in the bailiwick of Loitz in 1524. The counter-argument, that the Hobe family moved early from Mecklenburg to Pomerania, also had its supporters.