Jerry Lin
Dr. Jerry Y.S. Lin (Chinese: 林跃生) is a Regents' Professor of chemical engineering at the Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona, USA. He publishes papers under the name “Y.S. Lin”. From 2006 to 2009, he served as the Chemical Engineering Department Chair at Arizona State University, and now directs the Membrane and Energy Laboratory at ASU.
He is an editor for the Journal of Membrane Science. Dr. Lin is also Cheung Kong Distinguished Guest Professor of Industrial Catalysis at Tianjin University. He was the Guangbiao Distinguished Guest Professor of Chemical Engineering at Zhejiang University, Piercy Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Minnesota, and JSPS visiting professor at the University of Tokyo.
He works in the field of inorganic membrane science and separation technologies. He has published over 230 papers in chemical engineering and material science journals, and holds 8 patents, His papers have received over 6500 SCI citations (with SCI h-index of 46).