The jerboa (from Arabic: جربوع jarbūʻ ) forms the bulk of the membership of the family Dipodidae. Jerboas are hopping desert rodents found throughout Northern Africa and Asia east to northern China and Manchuria. They tend to live in hot deserts.
When chased, jerboas can run at up to 24 kilometres per hour. Some species are preyed on by little owls (Athene noctua) in central Asia. Most species of jerboa have excellent hearing that they use to avoid becoming the prey of nocturnal predators. The typical lifespan of a jerboa is around six years.
Jerboas look somewhat like kangaroos as they have many similarities such as long hind legs, very short forelegs and long tails. Jerboas move around their environment the same way a kangaroo does, which is by hopping. Like other bipedal animals, their foramen magnum—the hole at the base of the skull—is forward-shifted, which enhances two legged locomotion. The tail of a jerboa can be longer than its head and body and it is common to see a white cluster of hair at the end of the tail. Jerboas use their tail to balance when hopping, and as a prop when sitting upright. Jerboa fur is fine, and usually the colour of sand. This colour usually matches the environment the jerboa lives in (an example of cryptic colouration). Some species of the jerboa family have long ears like a rabbit, and others have ears that are short like those of a mouse or rat.
Death-like in her pallor
Silver spiders in the parlor glisten
Come into me, listen
We'll open our wounds
Kill the devil moon
Come into me, listen
Am I what you see
Is this what is me
Come into me, listen
A diamond in the rough
A heart torn off the cuff
You wore it on your sleeve
Now come into me
Her heart was all she owned
Her body worn down to the bone
For she gave herself away
On every money day
Yes she took her "payn" in style
For she was saturns child
Come into me, listen
So look at my face
Draw a mask
White circles on the sun
Look at my face
Draw a mask
White circles: its begun
Hollow your mind
Watch yourself die
Come into me, listen
Come into me, listen