Jeffrey Gundlach
Jeffrey Gundlach (born October 30, 1959) is the founder of Doubleline Capital, an investment firm. He was formerly the head of the $9.3 billion TCW Total Return Bond Fund, where he finished in the top 2% of all funds invested in intermediate-term bonds for the 10 years that ended prior to his departure. He was fired by TCW in 2009.Barron's in a February 2011 cover story called him the "King of Bonds." He is a native of Amherst, New York and a graduate of Dartmouth College; he went to Yale University for a Ph.D. in theoretical mathematics before dropping out.
Jeffrey Gundlach founded Doubleline along with Philip Barach and 14 other members of Gundlach's senior staff from TCW. He was formerly co-manager of the $12 Billion TCW Total Return bond fund along with Philip Barach.
On March 9, 2011, Gundlach was quoted on CNBC that “Munis Are The New Subprime.” “You’ve got a history of low defaults, which is comforting. But that kind of sounds like what subprime sounded like back in 2006,” Gundlach said. Gundlach pointed out that even if defaults do not ultimately climb as high as critics like Meredith Whitney have warned, muni bonds will likely trade much lower. “Between here and the end game, lies the valley. And the valley is full of fear. I think the muni market is going to go down by at least, on the long end, something like 15 and 20 percent,” he said.