Famous quotes by Jeff Scott:
"That was a great hold by Cole, but the big thing is he kept his poise. A lot of inexperienced holders would have panicked. I think a lot of people will always remember Cole for that hold."
"The ads are compelling and make a statement about how valiant these human beings are. These stories are ones of hope and triumph over potential tragedy."
"I think it was a handful of individuals that can be found anywhere that did this."
"English is one of the most talented and gifted athletes I have ever come across in 20-plus years. You don't come across athletes like her very often. She has definite Olympic potential."
"Her workouts were what really got my attention. She puts in so much hard work all the time. She never gives any back talk and she does whatever she is asked to do. She may get burned out by doing the same exercises all the time but she never shows it with her facial expressions. She definitely has the heart to be a real competitor."
"Ingram is always ready. He always brings us extra energy."
"This past Sunday night, I counted 31 pigs out in my field. This is a major problem."
"They were real cooperative fish."
"The one thing that separates us from other quintets is our mission. Most quintets don't look like us! And they mostly do traditional stuff, with the occasional new work. But we go out of our way to find music of other countries, new and old."
"Tim embodies what we value in a mixed-signal designer -- expert level analog design coupled with an equally strong understanding of digital design and signal processing. Tim has consistently led the design of market-leading products and has also been instrumental in product conception. His work ethic, flexibility and willingness to embrace any challenge have set him apart for some time. It is with pleasure that we include this honor to Tim's long list of accomplishments."