John Edward "Jed" Stone, played by Kenneth Cope, is a fictional character from the soap opera Coronation Street. He was a lodger of Minnie Caldwell's in the 1960s, and her nickname for him was "Sunny Jim". He made a reappearance after an absence of 42 years, only to tangle with local villain Tony Gordon. On a live chat with producer Kim Crowther, it stated that there are currently no plans to bring Jed Stone back for the moment, or even to finish up the Tony Gordon storyline.
Cope also appeared in the 1988 special Minnie Caldwell Remembered.
Jed served time in a borstal in Manchester in 1960. He first appeared in April 1961 to see if his friend Dennis Tanner, who he had met in borstal would help him on a job - of dubious legality - but Dennis wasn't into that sort of thing any more and turned him down.
He returned on 13 September ( the same day as Ida Barlow's funeral), reformed but unemployed, to find legitimate work with Dennis' help. Dennis was promoted at the Orinoco club and managed to get Jed his old job. Jed was a regular fixture in the street from then on and became best friends with Dennis, Christine Hardman and Jean Stark, who he briefly dated.