Jean-Luc De Meyer (born 1957 in Brussels) is a vocalist and lyricist who is best known as the lead vocalist of the Belgian EBM group Front 242.
He started singing in the experimental group "Under Viewer" with Patrick Codenys. Both joined Front 242 early in their history and de Meyer's distinctive growl became part of the group's trademark sound as their reputation grew during the late 1980s. By the early 90's the Front 242 formula seemed to be tiring and there were growing musical differences within the group. In 1994 the band decided to stop working together and de Meyer started to focus on side projects.
The most prominent of these was Cyber-Tec Project - later known as C-Tec. C-Tec produced two albums before fizzling out towards the end of the '90's, whilst his other project Cobalt 60 was more coolly received.
De Meyer rejoined Front 242 in 1997.
De Meyer also performed vocals with Bigod 20 on their single "The Bog", with Birmingham 6 on their album "Error of Judgment", and with Glis on their album "Nemesis". In 2006 he contributed the vocals to the song "Future Fail" of the Front Line Assembly album "Artificial Soldier" and guest vocals on the songs "The Creature" and "The Dive" of the Implant albums "Audio Blender" and "Implantology". Since 2006, he started 2 new bands: 32CRASH (with the members of Implant) and Modern Cubism, where he sings poems by Charles Baudelaire and Geo Norge..
Ens vam retrobar una nit d'estiu en un cicle especial de cinema francès a la fresca.
El meu plan era tornar aviat però al final tot es va anar allargant i els dos vam decidir sortir de gresca.
Se'ns va fer tard.
Va dir: "No agafis pas el cotxe. Si vols et pots quedar, que al pis hi tinc quarto exprés per convidats".
"Et deixo aquí sobre un cobrellit perquè ara no però després fot rasca, ja veuràs.
Si tens gana o vols aigua tu mateix pots fer com si fossis a casa".
La manera com va dir bona nit i va picar l'ullet era fàcilment mal interpetable.
Vaig augurar una nit per a la posteritat, fer un cim, fer un vuit mil, fer quelcom difícilment igualable.
Però allà no passava res, només aquell silenci trencat pel meu somier.
Potser no era el seu tipus, millor que no fes res.
I en una paret al fons imprès en blanc i negre hi havia un pòster d'en Godard.
Potser ell em podria dir-me perquè em ballava el cap.
Ai Jean-Luc!, ai Jean-Luc!, vull entendre-ho però no puc.
Ell va dir que en casos com aquests no es tracta de ser més guapo o més lleig sinó d'estar convençut de fer-ho.
Jo vaig dir-li: "Ja, però si ara hi vaig i ella no vol després què? Després tot això acaba siguent un rotllo patatero".
Em va convidar a fumar i en un plano-seqüència una frase magistral "Una dona és una dona. No et preocupis, tant se val".
L'endemà vam esmorzar, ni tan sols vaig mirar-la i a l'hora de marxar ella em va fer un petó que encara no sé interpretar.