Coordinates: 30°57′53″N 30°46′6″E / 30.96472°N 30.76833°E / 30.96472; 30.76833
Sais (Ancient Greek: Σάϊς) or Sa el-Hagar was an ancient Egyptian town in the Western Nile Delta on the Canopic branch of the Nile. It was the provincial capital of Sap-Meh, the fifth nome of Lower Egypt and became the seat of power during the Twenty-fourth dynasty of Egypt (c. 732–720 BC) and the Saite Twenty-sixth dynasty of Egypt (664–525 BC) during the Late Period. Its Ancient Egyptian name was Zau.
Herodotus wrote that Sais is where the grave of Osiris was located and that the sufferings of the god were displayed as a mystery by night on an adjacent lake.
The city's patron goddess was Neith, whose cult is attested as early as the 1st Dynasty, ca. 3100- 3050 BCE. The Greeks, such as Herodotus, Plato and Diodorus Siculus, identified her with Athena and hence postulated a primordial link to Athens. Diodorus recounts that Athena built Sais before the deluge that supposedly destroyed Athens and Atlantis. While all Greek cities were destroyed during that cataclysm, the Egyptian cities including Sais survived.
SAIS or Sais can refer to:
Sais is a Neotropical genus of clearwing (ithomiine) butterflies, named by Hübner in 1816. They are in the brush-footed butterfly family, Nymphalidae.
Arranged alphabetically.
An axiom or postulate as defined in classic philosophy, is a statement (in mathematics often shown in symbolic form) that is so evident or well-established, that it is accepted without controversy or question. Thus, the axiom can be used as the premise or starting point for further reasoning or arguments, usually in logic or in mathematics The word comes from the Greek axíōma (ἀξίωμα) 'that which is thought worthy or fit' or 'that which commends itself as evident.'
As used in modern logic, an axiom is simply a premise or starting point for reasoning. Whether it is meaningful (and, if so, what it means) for an axiom, or any mathematical statement, to be "true" is a central question in the philosophy of mathematics, with modern mathematicians holding a multitude of different opinions.
As used in mathematics, the term axiom is used in two related but distinguishable senses: "logical axioms" and "non-logical axioms". Logical axioms are usually statements that are taken to be true within the system of logic they define (e.g., (A and B) implies A), while non-logical axioms (e.g., a + b = b + a) are actually substantive assertions about the elements of the domain of a specific mathematical theory (such as arithmetic). When used in the latter sense, "axiom", "postulate", and "assumption" may be used interchangeably. In general, a non-logical axiom is not a self-evident truth, but rather a formal logical expression used in deduction to build a mathematical theory. As modern mathematics admits multiple, equally "true" systems of logic, precisely the same thing must be said for logical axioms - they both define and are specific to the particular system of logic that is being invoked. To axiomatize a system of knowledge is to show that its claims can be derived from a small, well-understood set of sentences (the axioms). There are typically multiple ways to axiomatize a given mathematical domain.
Axiom is a free, general-purpose computer algebra system. It consists of an interpreter environment, a compiler and a library, which defines a strongly typed, mathematically (mostly) correct type hierarchy.
Two computer algebra systems named Scratchpad were developed by IBM. The first one was started in 1965 by James Greismer at the request of Ralph Gomory, and written in Fortran. The development of this software was stopped before any public release. The second Scratchpad, originally named Scratchpad II, was developed from 1977 on, at Thomas J. Watson Research Center, under the direction of Richard Dimick Jenks. Other key early developers were Barry Trager, Stephen Watt, James Davenport, Robert Sutor, and Scott Morrison.
Scratchpad II was renamed Axiom when IBM decided, circa 1990, to make it a commercial product. A few years later, it was sold to NAG. In 2001, it was withdrawn from the market and re-released under the Modified BSD License. Since then, the project's lead developer has been Tim Daly.
An axiom is a proposition in mathematics and epistemology that is taken to be self-evident.
Axiom may also refer to:
Je crois que je donnerai ma vie
Pour un sourire, pour une promesse
Tu vois que j'ai toujours envie de faire semblant et de te plaire
J'ai march sur les routes qui traversent nos vies
Et puis se perdent
Tu crois que je te donnerai mon corps
Un laisser-passer toutes les nuits
Un bon pour une vie sans effort
Un avant gout de paradis
J'ai march sur le sable
Qui nous brulait et torturait nos ames
Refrain :
Je sais, oui je sais pourquoi je t'appartiens
Mais je sais que l'on a choisi nos chaines
Oh je sais, je le sais que tu m'aimes
Tu crois que je te donnerais ma vie sans rien exiger en retour
Comme un sacrifice, une envie de libert puis d'amour
Il suffit d'une fois et qu'importe la raison
Oh si tu m'oublies, ou si tu me laisses derrire les barreaux de ma prison
Refrain (*2)
Tu crois que je te donnerais ma vie
Pour un sourie, pour une promesse
Tu sais que j'ai toujours envie de te plaire et de t'attendre
De te comprendre, mais je sais que je t'aime