Jazz is a music genre that originated from African American communities of New Orleans in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African American and European American musical parentage with a performance orientation. Jazz spans a period of over a hundred years, encompassing a very wide range of music, making it difficult to define. Jazz makes heavy use of improvisation, polyrhythms, syncopation and the swing note, as well as aspects of European harmony, American popular music, the brass band tradition, and African musical elements such as blue notes and African-American styles such as ragtime. Although the foundation of jazz is deeply rooted within the black experience of the United States, different cultures have contributed their own experience to the music as well. Intellectuals around the world have hailed jazz as "one of America's original art forms".
Jazz is an album by jazz artist Wallace Roney released in 2007.
Jazz (Kanso series) is a series of 20 paintings made by Nabil Kanso in 1978-79. The subjects of the works are based on the jazz music and the entertainments night life in New York and New Orleans. The paintings are done in oil and acrylic on canvas measuring 224 X 182 cm (88 X 72 inches) each. Their compositions reflect predominant red tonality built with broad brushstrokes. Works from the series were exhibited in Atlanta in 1985.
Jambo! (jam-buh!) is a Swahili greeting or salutation with an exclamation mark. It is similar in meaning to the English word Hello!.
Jambo was once used as a greeting among traders of the Swahili coast of southeast Africa. While similar to the English word Hello, it really meant to come and settle ones affairs in the business sense. It was used by traders from India, China and other lands before the Portuguese Vasco da Gama visited the area in 1498. It is in current use.
It is also used as a surname in southeast Africa. For example, Zhaimu Jambo (born 23 August 1987 in Harare), aka "Jimmy", is a retired Zimbabwean footballer (soccer player).
Specifically, Jambo is a Swahili language class 5-6 word which are part of the "collectives" or dialogic actions among groups of people. Jambo primarily means 'affair.' The English word "affair" not used in the sexual connotation, but in the commercial, professional, public or personal business definition.
Etymologically it is from amba (-amba) from to say, ultimately from etyl. It is a cognate with Zulu. Secondary meanings include as dealing with a thing, issue or matter.
Jambo (April 17, 1961 – September 16, 1992) was a celebrated gorilla housed at Jersey Zoo. He is well known for protecting a young boy named Levan Merritt who fell into the gorilla enclosure in 1986.
Jambo means "hello" in Swahili. The gorilla was born on April 17, 1961, in Zoo Basel, Basel, Switzerland, to mother Achilla and father Stephi. Stephi was acquired from the Columbus (Ohio) Zoo. Stephi was captured in 1950 by Columbus resident and gorilla hunter Bill Said, with two other baby gorillas, in French Equatorial Africa. The three were sold to the Columbus Zoo for $10,000. The two which the Columbus Zoo kept, Baron Macombo and Millie Christina, became the parents of Colo, the first gorilla born in a zoo, in Columbus on December 22, 1956. She was the first gorilla born in captivity as well as the first gorilla in captivity to be raised by her own mother.
Jambo's older sister Goma, born on September 23, 1959 in Basel, was the first gorilla born in Europe and still lives in the Zoo Basel. Before Jambo was transferred to Jersey Zoo, Jambo and Goma had a son named Tamtam, who was born at Zoo Basel on May 2, 1971, and died at Wuppertal Zoo on July 23, 2009. Jambo also fathered a daughter while still at Zoo Basel by an unrelated female. Jambo had 7 siblings and 20 offspring by 5 different mates, including three stillbirths.
Jambo is a gorilla who used to reside at Jersey Zoo.
Jambo may also refer to: