Famous quotes by Jay Bilas:
"The talent level isn't down, it's just younger. The whole league got young right away."
"It doesn't seem different to me; they're two national teams. Xavier should be ranked and Cincinnati has been ranked. If the selection committee met today, both would be NCAA tournament teams."
"He's just got to learn how to dominate a game, and that's going to take time. In the normal course of things, he would have been a role player [as a freshman]. And now if the guy has a bad game, everybody wonders what's the matter with him."
"There's been a sea of change in college basketball. And it's just starting to catch up to everybody."
"It's amazing how much better the offense looks when you make shots. But they still have to make harder cuts. If they do, the offense will look even better."
"No. 1, there are not as many quality big guys now. What passes for a center now could be 6-8, where 20 years ago a 6-8 guy would have a lot of trouble. And, secondly, the three-point line is so close that teams have spread the floor. If you have one big guy, you can let him go one on one and spread the floor around him."
"If you're going to make a move in the league, this is the year because the league is down. Some of the traditional powers are not as good as they've been and some of those teams are vulnerable."
"They've set a standard here. They've had enough guys come through that the older guys are able to pass down to the younger guys: 'This is how we do it. This is the approach we take.' That means something. That expectation level is a very powerful thing. He has said that youth might be a factor, but that it won't be an excuse. He has those guys believing that they're going to overcome the issues they have and still win. When they step onto the court, it's not a question of are we going to win? It's a question of how we're going to win. That's what tradition is. They're establishing that here."
"If you see something like that happening, I think it's safe to say this is a basketball school."
"They were taking and absorbing the best shot from every opponent. Everyone played at a fever pitch. It was one heavyweight fight after another."