Hidden Cash was a 2014 multi-city project founded by Jason Buzi and Yan Budman using the Twitter account of the same name.
On May 22, 2014, Hidden Cash began hiding money in San Francisco, California and tweeting out clues using the handle. Followers are encouraged to tweet a photo of themselves with the money they find, and Hidden Cash retweets these. Within a week, the group expanded to Los Angeles, and the account gained national and international media attention, and hundreds of thousands of followers.
Over the course of about 10 weeks, Hidden Cash did money drops in California cities including San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Sacramento, Fresno, Los Angeles, Pasadena, Burbank, Bakersfield, Riverside, and San Diego; Las Vegas, NV; Chicago, IL; Houston, TX; New York City, and Mexico City. In Europe, Hidden Cash did events in London, Madrid, and Berlin.
Events typically consisted of the group hiding envelopes filled with money, most often between $50 to $100 in each, in various parks. In beaches in Southern California, from Los Angeles to San Diego, the group would hide money in Angry Birds toys or Pez dispensers. Pez dispensers were also used for the group's final drops at Coney Island and Brighton Beach in Brooklyn, New York.
Buzi ("my contempt") was the mother or the father of Ezekiel the kohen (Jewish priest). (Ezek. 1:3). Ezekiel, like Jeremiah, is said to have been a descendant of Joshua by his marriage with the proselyte Rahab (Talmud Meg. 14b; Midrash Sifre, Num. 78).
Some scholars claim that Ezekiel actually was Jeremiah or the son of Jeremiah, who was (also) called "Buzi" because he was despised by the Jews. In the event Jeremiah and Ezekiel were indeed the same person, Buzi was the wife of Hilkiah the priest.
Buzi may refer to: