January 31 is the 31st day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 334 days remaining until the end of the year (335 in leap years).
Jan. 30 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Feb. 1
All fixed commemorations below are observed on February 13 by Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar.
For January 31st, Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar commemorate the Saints listed on January 18.
January 31 is a 1997 Indian Malayalam film.
I know that fan is moving air
I can see it in your hair
but I can't bear to breathe it in somehow
I'll rise and fall with you cause you can't fail me now
Salt is sweet upon my mouth
and dark throws *sparks* against my house
the state of love is a smudge upon my brow
but you see through me and you can't fail me now
when you see right through me you can't fail me now
I've bit off more than i can chew
its something that i tend to do
when fewer words are what we need and how
I bite my tongue and you can't fail me now
I rant and rail but you can't fail me now
I've lost the thread among the vines
and hung myself in storylines that tell the tales I
never would allow
God knows the name of every bird that fills my mind
like angry words
but you know all my secret heart avows
We're taught to love the worst of us
and mercy more than life but trust me
mercy's just a warning shot across the bow
I live for yours and you can't fail me now
I live for your mercy
you can't fail me now