Famous quotes by Jani Lane:
"Yeah, and I think if you don't have that support system behind you, regardless of what that is, whether it's what your living with at home, or whatever. It's so hard to put into words...I re-established my faith in the belief system, which is important, and I'm trying not to sound corny here, but that helps, and also what you got going on at home is very important. If your not stable at home, your definitely not going to be stable when you head out on the road."
"Yeah, and it's only going to get worse, because the road magnifies whatever you've got going on at home, like anything else. Not having a stable home life, and then not having a good stable belief system, or whatever, has always sent me into a tailspin just as soon as I hit the road. So... having those two things in place, I'm ready to go out on the road and do well, as opposed to some of my past tours. I'm looking forward to this tour, and that's where 'Celebrity Fit Club' kinda helped with."
"It's been a while. I haven't talked with any of the guys in WARRANT for about two years. I've done some shows on my own, just to keep my chops up, as they say. I've played here and there over the past year and a half. I haven't toured, seriously toured in well over a year though."
"I'm happy with it, but I didn't sing it as well as I should have. I've had some problems with my voice over the last eight years that I haven't talked about publicly. I had a healing process, and it's a long story, and it goes back to what happened to me with 'Celebrity Fit' , and a re-introduction in faith, I guess you'd say. Not to sound corny again, but my friend Johnny Lang and some of his friends put some hands together, and said a little prayer, and amazingly enough my voice is back to where it should be. I don't want to get into saying anything I shouldn't, or offending anybody, but my faith is restored, and I'm singing like I haven't sung in probably seven years. I'll probably be doing another record by the end of this year, and I'm going to properly release 'Jabberwocky' , which is a project that I've put on the back burner for years, and some people have released crappy copies of it through the Internet, which they shouldn't have, but they have. It's hard to stop that stuff from getting out there. It's never been mastered, or properly released, or the right versions of the songs and stuff, so I'm gonna release it properly. And, like I said, I'm writing a new record right now. I'm also gonna get involved in some acting this year. Whether that will be live acting, or television, or movies, I don't know."
"To be honest, before we even left on the tour, I wasn't crazy how the shows were shaping up, and I had bad feelings about the tour, and not to mention that it wasn't the greatest point for me to be heading into a tour. I had a lot of stuff going on. A lot of the same issues that we've talked about here. I was drinking a lot, and the whole nine yards. I headed into the tour, and the shows were just crappy. That's all there is to it. There's no other way to put it. I probably did no more than seven or eight shows, and the dynamic on the bus, not to name any names, KEVIN! (Laughs) I like Kevin [ DuBrow , QUIET RIOT frontman]. A lot of people bag on Kevin , but I can deal with Kevin , he's just ah... Kevin is Kevin . Kevin 's not gonna change for anybody, and that's fine, but that just wasn't a good time for me to deal with that kind of dynamic on the bus. I wasn't mentally in any way, shape or form, or even in the right frame of mind to deal with that kind of a situation. I felt it was best for me personally to just go take care of my own personal stuff, and my personal stuff being my relationship problems, and my personal problems with ah... well, that was the first time that I looked into getting treatment help."