Famous quotes by Jane Pauley:
"A diagnosis is burden enough without being burdened by secrecy and shame."
"You can't look at a sleeping cat and be tense"
"I gave her a parting gift, an alarm clock; it was mine, but it was broken. It was meant as an artifact, but the symbolism was unfortunate. Then she gave me a present, a set of knives. We were clueless. And, in the end, both innocent victims."
"It's Dumb Day in retailing and the decision to change Field's name to Macy's will go down with the"
"New Yorkers, by reputation, are fast-talking, assertive and easily annoyed; I fit right in."
"I'm excited about going back to 'Today,' but, at odd moments, I'll grit my teeth in anxiety. I feel like a student before the start of school. I've got my new shoes and my book bag, but I'm not sure I'll remember how to do trigonometry. During my maternity leave, I haven't used many words of more than one syllable."
"You can't look at a sleeping cat and be tense."
"About the time I turned 50, I experienced the profound biological change that often accompanies women at that age. Also, I put two kids in college and lost both of my parents, so I'm no longer somebody's daughter."
"I think women think a lot about cycles, biological and personal. This year another cycle came around: my contract was up. It seemed an opportunity to take a life audit."
"This may sound funny, but as much as the 'Today' show matured me, it also was something of a cocoon. I'd been happy there. I never went into the boss's office and pounded my fist on the desk, saying, 'Give me more money! Give me a prime-time show!'"
"I had had some months of depression. Not serious enough to keep me from work. So, I guess you'd call that a mild depression. It was becoming worse. And I was being treated for it with anti-depressants."
"I had had some months of depression. Not serious enough to keep me from work. So, I guess you'd call that a mild depression."
"I can cook; but not well. I figure I have six years until my children discover what their friends' mothers make for dinner."
"It's like if people don't see you on TV every day, they think you're in cryogenics somewhere."
"I do like some of the perks, like being, recognized, especially if I've had my makeup done and I'm going to be photographed and people admire me. Who wouldn't like that?"