Jamie McKelvie
Jamie McKelvie is a British cartoonist and illustrator, known for his work on books such as Long Hot Summer, Phonogram, and Young Avengers.
Since 2003, McKelvie has collaborated with journalist Kieron Gillen on a comic strip for the official PlayStation Magazine UK, entitled Save Point. He has worked on a number of projects for Image Comics, including Phonogram. His next major work was with colorist Guy Major and Matthew Wilson on his creator-owned series Suburban Glamour.
He has done various work for Marvel Comics, including a run on Defenders with Matt Fraction, and the X-Men: Season One graphic novel with Dennis Hopeless. In 2012 he redesigned the costume of long-time character Carol Danvers, for a relaunch of the character as the new Captain Marvel. He has collaborated with Gillen on a relaunch of Young Avengers for Marvel. Currently he and Gillen are working on a third volume of Phonogram, and on a new series called The Wicked + The Divine.
McKelvie's artwork also graces the covers of the Art Brut album Brilliant! Tragic! and the single "Lost Weekend", and of two novels by writer Mur Lafferty.