Jamendo is a music website and an open community of independent artists and music lovers. It bills itself as "the world's largest digital service for free music".
Jamendo was originally introduced as a service for releasing music under the Creative Commons licenses. As of October, 2015, Jamendo no longer advertises its music as Creative Commons but rather free to play and download for personal use. The goal of Jamendo is to be the link between artists who want to share their music and audiences around the world, both private and professional.
At the center of Jamendo is an economic model that grants free music downloads for web users, while at the same time providing revenue opportunities for artists through commercial uses, via the music licensing platform Jamendo Licensing which sells licenses for music synchronization and background music.
Based in Luxembourg, the website has a community of over 2 million members.
At the end of 2013, the catalog offered over 400,000 tracks by 30,000 artists from 150 countries. As of January 2015, the Jamendo homepage shows a count of 460,000 tracks available, and a total of 250+ million downloads since the launch of the platform. The site is available in 6 languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian and Polish.
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