
The jackalope is a mythical animal of North American folklore (a so-called fearsome critter) described as a jackrabbit with antelope horns. The word "jackalope" is a portmanteau of "jackrabbit" and "antelope", although the jackrabbit is not a rabbit, and the American antelope is not an antelope. Also, many jackalope taxidermy mounts, including the original, are actually made with deer antlers.

In the 1930s, Douglas Herrick and his brother, hunters with taxidermy skills, popularized the American jackalope by grafting deer antlers onto a jackrabbit carcass and selling the combination to a local hotel in Douglas, Wyoming. Thereafter, they made and sold many similar jackalopes to a retail outlet in South Dakota, and another taxidermist continues to manufacture the horned rabbits in the 21st century. Stuffed and mounted, jackalopes are found in many bars and other places in the United States; stores catering to tourists sell jackalope postcards and other paraphernalia, and commercial entities in America and elsewhere have used the word "jackalope" or a jackalope logo as part of their marketing strategies. The jackalope has appeared in published stories, poems, television shows, video games, and a low-budget mockumentary film. The Wyoming Legislature has considered bills to make the jackalope the state's official mythological creature.

Jackalope (disambiguation)

Jackalope is a mythical animal and a cross between a jackrabbit and an antelope, goat or deer.

Jackalope may refer to:


  • Jackalope, a band of contemporary Native American music artists headed by Tucson-based R. Carlos Nakai
  • Jakalope, a Canadian band
  • "Jackalope", a song by Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains from the album The Big Eyeball in the Sky
  • Computing

  • Jaunty Jackalope, version 9.04 of Ubuntu released in April 2009
  • Jackalope is an open source PHP implementation of the JCR API
  • Sports

  • The Odessa Jackalopes, a CHL minor league hockey franchise affiliated with the New York Islanders
  • Other

  • The Jackalope a 2003 short film starring Leighton Meester
  • Podcasts:



    by: Shonen Knife

    I just got a post card of an unknown creature. instantly I noticed it's unusual features. it doesn't look like anything I've ever seen. looks sweet and friendly. I don't think it could be mean. j
    Ope, tell me where you hiding, hey, hey, hey. jackalope, how come I can't find you, hey, hey, hey. I stare at the post card. half jack rabbit, half antelope. now I know it's called a jackalope.
    Ny little bunny with horns. kinda cute, kinda cool, kinda wild. I just got a phone call from the far away future. telling me the story of this mythical creature. I went to the zoo, but couldn't
    It anywhere. the only things I found there were the reindeer and the hare. jackalope, tell me where you hiding, hey, hey, hey. jackalope, how come I can't find you, hey, hey, hey. it was posted
    Somewhere in texas. it must be living somewhere in texas. ja ja ja ja... jackalope. ja ja ja ja... jackalope. ja ja ja ja... jackalope. I stare at the post card. half jack rabbit, half antelope.
    I know it's called a jackalop
    E. a funny little bunny with horns. kinda cute, kinda cool, kinda wild. jackalope, tell me where you hiding, hey, hey, hey. jackalope, how come I can't find you, hey, hey, hey. jackalope, tell m

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    The Daily Sentinel 22 Mar 2025
    The Grand Junction Jackalopes are still looking for host families to house their players for the 2025 season, the team announced on Instagram ... .
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