Famous quotes by Jack Vance:
"the reality is it costs a lot of money."
"A reader is not supposed to be aware that someone's written the story. He's supposed to be completely immersed, submerged in the environment."
"But I've sure worked at jobs where I have been under inspection."
"But I'm so slow on it because I find it terribly hard writing blind on computers. The computer speaks to me, but it's just so slow, I'm so terribly slow using it."
"Right now I'm so old that if I had a big gush of money, I don't know what I'd do with it. I don't travel anymore. I don't need anything, don't want anything. I'd give it to my son, I guess, and let him enjoy it."
"These are just the tip of the iceberg, because I read and read and read. I read everything."
"Well, I think everything I've ever read contributes to the background from which I write."
"I don't read other science fiction. I don't read any at all."
"I worked for half a cent a word. I'm not a fast writer to begin with, so for the first few years I had do other things."
"I got done writing Ports of Call and suddenly realized I have far too much material for the book."
"I thought that automobiles were going to have mufflers and go fast and airplanes were going to fly fast."
"There was a writer in the '20s called Christopher Morley, who I remember a little bit of, who had some influence on me, but I couldn't tell you what it was."
"I never worked in an office in my life."
"In fact, almost every job you get somebody watching you."
"I was an omnivore at reading, so that everything I ever read contributed."
"The story was such that I couldn't make a graceful ending and then make a graceful new beginning. I could have, but I didn't want to. So, it isn't the most graceful way of writing a story. This new story is, I think, is pretty good stuff. I'm pleased with it anyway."
"As I mentioned, I was a carpenter for a time."
"I was a carpenter for a time and everybody watches what you do."