Zarqa River

The Zarqa River (Arabic: نهر الزرقاء) is the second largest tributary of the lower Jordan River, after the Yarmouk River. It is the third largest river in the region by annual discharge, and its watershed encompasses the most densely populated areas east of the Jordan River. It rises in springs near Amman, and flows through a deep and broad valley (which is identified with the biblical Jabbok River) into the Jordan, at an elevation 1,090 meters (3,580 ft) lower. The river is heavily polluted and its restoration is one of the top priorities for the Jordanian Ministry of the Environment.

Geologically, the Zarqa river is about 30 million years old. At the river's origin is 'Ain Ghazal, a major archaeological site that dates back to the Neolithic period. Archeological finds along the course of the river indicate the area was rich in flora and fauna in the past. The Zarqa river is well known for its amber deposits that date back to the Hauterivian of the lower Cretaceous (135 m.y.). A remarkable flora and fauna was reported from this amber reflecting a tropical paleoenvironmental prevailing conditions during the time of resin deposition (Kaddumi, 2005; 2007).



Call It What You Will

by: Joe Pug

Silver cans and bronze coloured dirt
Silver cans and bronze coloured dirt
Things ain't so soon near the parking lot moon
Silver cans and bronze coloured dirt
She said let's call it quit
Let's not call it the end of the world
Call it what you will, I'm heartbroken still
Words are just words
Road salt on I 95
Road salt on I 95
Forget what your told, it's bound to get cold
Road salt on I 95
I call today a disaster
She calls it December the 3rd
Call it what you will, I'm heartbroken still
Words are just words
On a brief and star stricken night
On a brief and star stricken night
I called her name on the road from Spokane
On a brief and star stricken night
I hear a blue heaven crying
Some folks just call it a bird
Call it what you will, I'm heartbroken still
Words are just words
Some call an end a beginning
For right now, they'll go unheard
Call it what you will, I'm heartbroken still
