Coordinates: 50°53′43.44″N 1°22′56.76″W / 50.8954000°N 1.3824333°W / 50.8954000; -1.3824333
John I. Thornycroft & Company Limited, usually known simply as Thornycroft was a British shipbuilding firm founded by John Isaac Thornycroft in Chiswick in 1866. It moved to Woolston, Southampton, in 1908, merging in 1966 with Vosper & Company to form one organisation called Vosper Thornycroft. From 2002 to 2010 the company acquired several international and US based defence and services companies, and changed name to the VT Group. In 2010 the company was absorbed by Babcock International who retained the UK and international operations, but sold the US based operations to the American Jordan Company, who took the name VT Group.
John Isaac Thornycroft had shown shipbuilding ability when aged 16 he built a small steam launch in 1859 in his father's back garden. He completed a shipbuilding apprenticeship in Glasgow in 1864 and founded the Thornycroft shipbuilding company at Church Wharf, Chiswick in 1866. At Chiswick, Thornycroft built the first instance of what would become the torpedo boat, the Rap for Norway in 1873. This was followed by HMS Lightning for the Royal Navy in 1877.
Jāņi ([jɑːɲi]) is a Latvian anniversary festival, which celebrates the summer solstice, the day when it has the shortest night and the longest day. Although the shortest night is usually on 21st or 22 June, the public holiday - Līgo Day and Jāņi Day is on 23rd and 24 June. The day before Jāņi was formerly known as Zāļu diena, which is now known as Līgo Day.
On Jāņi Eve people went to gather flowers, from which women made wreaths and put on their heads. Men's wreaths are usually made of oak leaves. Līgo songs are associated with fertility and disaster prevention.
The name "Līgosvētki" was first used and introduced in 1900 in his Jāņi songs collection by Emilis Melngailis, who back in 1928 wrote in the newspaper "Jaunākās Ziņas":
Almost all herbaceous plants belonged to Herbs of Jāņi, but in particular people collected bedstraw, cow wheat, vetchling, clover, etc. They embellished rooms, courtyards, yards, they also were wreathed into wreaths. Among trees, the most used decorations were birch boughs and oak branches. Houses were never decorated with aspen and alder branches: they were considered to be evil trees. Some Herbs of Jāņi were reaped on noon, others on Jāņi Eve, or on Jāņi morning when it had dew. In 1627, P. Einhorn wrote:
Ji or ji may refer to:
Jóhannes Ásbjörnsson (born 28 November 1979, in Reykjavik, Iceland), nicknamed Jói, is an Icelandic TV and radio show host.
In the year 1999, Jóhannes started a radio morning show with his collaborator of nine years, which became the most popular morning show in Iceland. In 2001, he started the TV show 70 minutes, which was modelled on their former radio show and ran for five consecutive years. Jóhannes and Simmi hired Sveppi and Auddi to the 70 minutes show, who have been on the air in Iceland since then.
In 2003 Jóhannes and Simmi started hosting Idol Stjörnuleit on the Stöð 2 station, which ran for three consecutive years and became the most popular TV program in Icelandic TV history.
Today Jóhannes and Simmi host the morning program on Saturday mornings at Bylgjan 98.9, Iceland's top radio station.