J. Fred Helf
J. Fred Helf (1870? – 1915?) was an American composer and sheet music publisher during the early 20th century.
Helf was born in Maysville, Kentucky. He went to seek his fortune in New York City at the age of 31. There he composed over 100 songs, some in collaboration with Will A. Heelan.
In October 1910 his music publishing company, J. Fred Helf Music, filed for bankruptcy with Elihu Root, Jr. acting as receiver. All the company's property and assets were sold at auction on March 12, 1913 in New York.
He retired from the music business five months before he died due to an illness. He died in Liberty, New York at the age of 45 leaving a widow and a daughter.
His credits as composer or co-composer include
1898: "Please Mr. Conductor Don't Put Me Off the Train"; "Tillie Tootie The Coney Island Beauty"; "We All Grow Old in Time"
1899: "I ain't got no happy home to leave"; "A Picture No Artist Can Paint"; "Only a Hard Boiled Egg From Home"
1900: "Absent But Not Forgotten"; "Every Race Has a Flag but the Coon" (which resulted in the creation of the Red, black and green flag by the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League); "The Fatal Rose of Red"; "I Ain't Got No Happy Home To Leave!"; "In the House of Too Much Trouble"; "There Are Two Sides To A Story"; "Tobie I Kind O' Likes You"