J-Wear is a line of clothing designed for use by astronauts during space missions. It includes underwear, shirts, pants and socks. The clothing is anti-bacterial, water-absorbent, odor-eliminating, antistatic, and flame retardant. It is made from cotton and polyester, and is seamless.
The clothes were designed by textile experts at the Women’s University in Tokyo.
An exhibition at the Louvre-Lens in France examines centuries of interplay between art and fashion, including what the sartorial choices of artists revealed about their place in society ... .
Many workers do not realise they can actually claim tax back if they have to buy, wash, repair and replace their work uniform. Find out if you're eligible and exactly how much rebate you could be owed ... .
Andre Lee bought a used Kia Forte to boost his career as an insurance agent in Singapore. In his mind, he saw himself zipping across town in his black coupe, impressing potential ....
With uniforms, workers can claim tax relief not just on the uniform itself but also on the expenses of washing, repairing or even replacing the clothing ... .