J5, J 5, J05 or J-5 may refer to:

and also:

  • The Jackson 5, a Motown R&B/soul act
  • Johnny 5, the robotic star of the movies Short Circuit and Short Circuit 2
  • Jump5, a dance pop group
  • Jurassic 5, a hip hop group
  • Ranger (yacht), an America's Cup racing yacht built 1937
  • The character J-5 played by Lou Wagner in Lost in Space
  • J05: Acute obstructive laryngitis (croup) and epiglottitis ICD-10 code




Joey Joey Joey

by: Peggy Lee

Joey, Joey, Joey
Joey, Joey, Joe
You've been too long in one place
And it's time to go, time to go!
Joey, Joey, Joey
Joey, traveled on
You've been too long in one town
And the harvest time's come and gone.
That's what the wind sings to me
When the bunk I've bunkin' in
Gets to feelin' too soft and cozy,
When the grub they're been cookin' me
Gets to tastin' too good,
When I've had all I want
Of the ladies in the neighborhood.
She sings:
Joey, Joey, Joey
Joey, Joey, Joe
You've been too long in one place
And it's time to go, time to go!
