Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02 are the first two seasons of the Digimon anime series. Digimon Adventure originally aired from March 7, 1999 – March 26, 2000 whilst Digimon Adventure 02 originally aired from April 2, 2000 – March 25, 2001 as a direct sequel to the preceding series. Both series feature a variety of different characters but mostly centre upon The DigiDestined, a group of children and their partner Digimon who have been chosen to protect the Digital World from various forces of evil. A sequel 6-part movie series titled Digimon Adventure tri. is scheduled to start airing in November 2015.
The DigiDestined are a group of children and their partner Digimon who have been chosen to protect the Digital World from various forces of evil. Each child is given a device known as a "Digivice" which serves many purposes but is mostly used to allow their Digimon partners to digivolve into stronger forms. Prior to the events of Digimon Adventure, having lost their memories of that event, the eight members of the first DigiDestined group witnessed the battle between a Greymon and Parrotmon at their childhood town of Highton View Terrace prior to moving to Odaiba. They were also witnessed by a group of figures who created the DigiDestined Digimon as part of a project to control the balance between good and evil in the Digital World, each Digimon linked to a digivice and Crest which are connected to the strongest trait of their respective child. However, when the facility came under attack, Gennai managed to get only seven of the DigiEggs to File Island while the eighth DigiEgg, which eventually became Gatomon, as left behind on the Server continent along with the seven of the Crest stones.
Your true colors ar starting to get loud,
Have fun praying to your great god now,
All that you taught me to be,
Was a Moore, a dreamer that only refused to dream,
Oh save it please, my voice is is peaking through your speakers and
I'm speaking just to show you the way,
How could you, shelter me out I'm much older now,
You shatter like a beaker when I only want to show you the way, and
I'll build my way out of your demise, these dreams are my castles,
Not the walls you built up around me, when I look into my watch and
I know, that time is, time is gold, your true colors at starting to get
And have fun praying to your grey gold now,
And when all your cards are on the table, make sure it's till in stable,
And when all your cards are on the table, make sure it's still in stable
and dance, your life away,
And this war it don't determine who's right,
This war just determines whos left standing tonight,
Atop handing me lights, I can se what you are in the dark just fine,
And I'm not blind, I'm mending the blinds, peaking through to get a
glimpse of your anguishing life,
Your hiding like a vampire comes to strife,
But it won't harm me cause I get a thrill,
And your true colors are starting to get loud,