Hepatic stellate cells (here HSC), also known as perisinusoidal cells or Ito cells (earlier lipocytes or fat-storing cells), are pericytes found in the perisinusoidal space (a small area between the sinusoids and hepatocytes) of the liver also known as the space of Disse. The stellate cell is the major cell type involved in liver fibrosis, which is the formation of scar tissue in response to liver damage.
Hepatic stellate cells can be selectively stained with gold chloride, but their distinguishing feature in routine histological preparations is the presence of multiple lipid droplets in their cytoplasm.Cytoglobin expression has been shown to be a specific marker with which hepatic stellate cells can be distinguished from portal myofibroblasts in the damaged human liver. In murine liver, Reelin expressed by Ito cells has been shown to be a reliable marker in discerning them from other myofibroblasts. The expression of reelin is increased after liver injury.
Hair Raising, Painstaking
All Around You Battles Raging
Pot Boiling, Fast Talking
I Saw You Jay Walking
Looking In Parked Car Windows
To See Your Own Reflection
Life Is Still Sweet, Life Is Still Sweet
Just Forget What I Said Last Week
Life Is Still Sweet
Compromising, Solarizing
Breaking Up Can Be Pulverizing
You Can Be All You Want Dear
Don't Forget Your Riot Gear
May The Wind Blow Behind You
May Happiness Someday Find You
Rollercoaster, Oven Toaster
On The Road To A One-Hit Wonder
Trailblazing Totally Amazing
Looking Up While You're Going Under
Please Step Away From The Car