Itek Corporation was a United States defense contractor that initially specialized in camera systems for spy satellites. In the early 1960s they built a conglomerate in a fashion similar to LTV or Litton, during which time they developed the first CAD system and explored optical disk technology. These efforts were unsuccessful, and the company shed divisions to various companies, returning to its roots in the reconnaissance market. The remaining portions were eventually purchased by Litton in 1983, and then Hughes, Raytheon, and Goodrich Corporation.
Richard Leghorn was a former United States Air Force (USAF) aerial reconnaissance expert who had first proposed flying reconnaissance missions over enemy territory in peacetime. Leghorn left the Air Force to become head of Eastman Kodak's European division, and started writing about the "Open Skies" proposal, which he strongly supported.
Open Skies proposed to allow any signing nation to overfly any other, which Leghorn believed would lower international tensions by allowing countries to verify the actions of their adversaries. Eisenhower raised the issue at the 1955 Geneva summit meetings as a way to reduce mutual fears of a surprise attack. At the time, the United States would have had a huge advantage if Open Skies was adopted, as their numerous European and Asian airbases would allow them access to the Soviet heartland, while the lack of USSR bases in the Americas — this being prior to the Cuban Revolution — would have made the treaty an empty promise. Unsurprisingly, the Soviets opposed Open Skies, something Eisenhower later admitted he fully expected.
The University of South Australia (UniSA) is a public university in the Australian state of South Australia. It was formed in 1991 with the merger of the South Australian Institute of Technology and Colleges of Advanced Education. The legislation to establish and name the new University of South Australia was introduced in 1990 by the Hon Mike Rann MP, Minister of Employment and Further Education. With more than 32,000 students, the university is South Australia's largest; more than 6,000 students are international, with almost half studying in Adelaide and the remainder offshore.
Under the University's Act, its original mission was "to preserve, extend and disseminate knowledge through teaching, research, scholarship and consultancy, and to provide educational programs that will enhance the diverse cultural life of the wider community." In 2013 a new Vision, Mission and Values statement was released as part of a new strategic direction, "Crossing the Horizon".
Nuestro día va a llegar, tendremos nuestra vez
no es pedir de más, quiero justicia...
Quiero trabajar en paz no es mucho lo que deseo
yo quiero trabajo honesto, en vez de esclavitud
Debe haber algún lugar donde el más fuerte, no te quiera
esclavizar... si estás sin chance
por qué tanta indiferencia se ha templado a hierro
y fuego? quién cuida las puertas de las fábricas?
el cielo era azul, más ahora es ceniza si
lo que era verde aquí ya no existe más
quién me hiciera acreditar, que ya acontece nada?
de tanto jugar con fuego, que venga el fuego ya...
ese aire dejó mi vista cansada.. y nada más.
y nada más...