Italian Fascism was rooted in Italian nationalism and the desire to restore and expand Italian territories, which Italian Fascists deemed necessary for a nation to assert its superiority and strength and to avoid succumbing to decay. Italian Fascists claimed that modern Italy is the heir to ancient Rome and its legacy, and historically supported the creation of an Italian Empire to provide spazio vitale ("living space") for colonization by Italian settlers and to establish control over the Mediterranean Sea.
Italian Fascism promoted a corporatist economic system whereby employer and employee syndicates are linked together in associations to collectively represent the nation's economic producers and work alongside the state to set national economic policy. This economic system intended to resolve class conflict through collaboration between the classes.
COMMUNIST parties in India are quibbling over the characteristics of fascism to see if Antonio Gramsci’s views on the scourge from his Italian experience are relevant to the challenge of vacating the threat in the country.
Son of the Century, is a great missed opportunity to tell the truth about fascism ... foothills of the Apennines who invented fascism ... many Italian people, sick of a paralysed democracy, wanted fascism.
READ MORE ... “What I see is not the Italian version of fascism or whatever, not that specific political structure, but the sort of hallmarks and the early signs of that kind of thing ... I will not swallow that bullshit, and I will not comply with fascism ... .
She connects today’s planetary vandals with the Italian futurists of the early 20th century. The futurists, who created much of the iconography and ideology of fascism, fetishised the machine, ...
... by so many British journalists and politicians may be widely seen as a huge moral and strategic misjudgment, as it was after Italian and German fascism had been defeated in the second world war.