Itô calculus, named after Kiyoshi Itô, extends the methods of calculus to stochastic processes such as Brownian motion (see Wiener process). It has important applications in mathematical finance and stochastic differential equations.
The central concept is the Itô stochastic integral, a stochastic generalization of the Riemann–Stieltjes integral in analysis. The integrands and the integrators are now stochastic processes:
where H is a locally square-integrable process adapted to the filtration generated by X (Revuz & Yor 1999, Chapter IV), which is a Brownian motion or, more generally, a semimartingale. The result of the integration is then another stochastic process. Concretely, the integral from 0 to any particular t is a random variable, defined as a limit of a certain sequence of random variables. The paths of Brownian motion fail to satisfy the requirements to be able to apply the standard techniques of calculus. So with the integrand a stochastic process, the Itô stochastic integral amounts to an integral with respect to a function which is not differentiable at any point and has infinite variation over every time interval. The main insight is that the integral can be defined as long as the integrand H is adapted, which loosely speaking means that its value at time t can only depend on information available up until this time. Roughly speaking, one chooses a sequence of partitions of the interval from 0 to t and construct Riemann sums. Every time we are computing a Riemann sum, we are using a particular instantiation of the integrator. It is crucial which point in each of the small intervals is used to compute the value of the function. The limit then is taken in probability as the mesh of the partition is going to zero. Numerous technical details have to be taken care of to show that this limit exists and is independent of the particular sequence of partitions. Typically, the left end of the interval is used.
The dragon flies, on his mighty wings
Towards the walls, of the dark fortress
Bursting out in rage, cleansing fire rains
When the towers fall, nothing will remain
We will meet, eye to eye
He will pay, eye for an eye
I'll enjoy, his last cry
We will meet, eye to eye
So bittersweet, the taste of revenge
Legions of hate, decamp in fear
No chance to flee, he hounds them to death
Where is the one, he?s seeking for
We will meet, eye to eye
He will pay, eye for an eye
I'll enjoy, his last cry
We will meet, eye to eye
Close to the end, nearly all slain
Still haven't found, the king of the dark
Is he alive, or already gone
All lies in debris, he must be dead
Where is he?, eye to eye
No revenge?, eye for an eye
Have I heard?, his last cry