Adad in Akkadian and Ishkur in Sumerian, are the names of the storm-god in the Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian pantheon. The two names are usually written by the logogram dIM. The Akkadian god Adad was the northwest Semitic god Hadad introduced to Mesopotamia most probably by the Amorites.
In Akkadian, Adad is also known as Ramman ("Thunderer") cognate with Aramaic Rimmon which was a byname of the Aramaic/ Arabic Hadad. Ramman was formerly incorrectly taken by many scholars to be an independent Assyrian-Babylonian god later identified with the Amorite god Hadad.
The Sumerian Ishkur appears in the list of gods found at Fara but was of far less importance than the Akkadian Adad later became, probably partly because storms and rain are scarce in southern Babylonia and agriculture there depends on irrigation instead. Also, the gods Enlil and the Assyrian Ninurta also had storm god features which decreased Ishkur's distinctiveness. He sometimes appears as the assistant or companion of one or the other of the two.
The Goa'uld (pronounced [ɡoˑɑˈʔuːld] go-ah-OOLD; commonly shortened to /ɡoʊˈuːld/ go-OOLD or /ˈɡuːld/ GOOLD) are a symbiotic race of ancient astronauts from the American-Canadian military science fiction television franchise Stargate. The Goa'uld are parasites from the planet P3X-888, integrated within a host, most of the time a human. The resulting creatures are a powerful race bent on galactic conquest and domination, largely without pity, compassion or remorse. In the first eight seasons of Stargate SG-1, they are the greatest extraterrestrial threat to Earth known to the Stargate Command (SGC). The Goa'uld are the main enemies of SG-1 for most of the show, until they are replaced in this capacity by the Ori in seasons 9 and 10. They also appear in the Stargate Atlantis episode "Critical Mass", and in the DVD movie Stargate: Continuum. They are pejoratively called "snakes" or "snakeheads" by Jack O'Neill.
The Goa'uld were created by writers Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich for the 1994 movie, Stargate. Although the alien race in the film was never named, the pilot episode "Children of the Gods" (1997) established that the alien race seen in the movie are the Goa'uld. In the series, it is confirmed that they are a parasitic race that uses hosts to survive. They were the dominant species in our galaxy.
If I cry would you be there for me?
If I die would you even care to see?
Don't you know, life can be just a phase,
and if you knew, why is your life a maze?
Why oh why did I fall for you?
Did'nt I know you would'nt be true?
So many questions fill my head,
Sometimes you make me wanna be dead.
Did you ever do this to someone else?
Did you suceed and make their heart melt?
If you knew what I know,
Then you'd know your heart is cold,
Caught in a web of sweet talk,
Time is runnig out look at the clock.
So I am through with you,
Hope you knew that you lose.
Yeah yeah, ooh
Why oh why did I fall for you?
Did'nt I know you would'nt be true?
So many questions fill my head,
Sometimes you make me wanna be dead.
So tell me did you ever do this to someone else?
Did you suceed and make their heart melt?
Yeahhhh oooh yeah