Isabel (/ˈɪz.ə.bɛl/) is a Romance-language given name. It is related to Isabelle (French, Dutch, German, Catalan, Provençal), Isabella (Italian), and the English Elizabeth.
This set of names is a southwestern European variant of the Hebrew name Elisheva, also represented in English and other western languages as Elizabeth. It first appeared in medieval Provençal as Elisabel. Guido Gómez de Silva states that these names are derived from the Latin and Greek renderings of the Hebrew name based on both etymological and contextual evidence (the use of Isabel as a translation of the name of the mother of John the Baptist).
The variant form originated through the loss of the first syllable and the replacement of final /t/ with /l/ (as /t/ does not appear word-finally in standard Spanish). Both forms of the name exist concurrently in Italian (Isabella and Elisabetta) and French (Isabelle and Élisabeth). Both names have been borrowed into multiple other languages, giving rise to various local forms.
Isabel is a Spanish produced historical fiction television series filmed in Spain, directed by Jordi Frades and produced for national broadcaster Televisión Española. The series is based upon the reign of Queen Isabella I of Castile.
The series has been produced by Diagonal TV for TVE. Filming began in Summer 2011 and took place in several Spanish cities: Cáceres, Madrid and Segovia. The first season premiered on 10 September 2012, after an eight-month delay. The series was initially expected to debut on 30 January 2012, but a budget cut for TVE postponed the premiere.
In November 2012, the show was renewed for a second season. Filming of the second season began in February 2013. Part of the shooting took place on location at the Alhambra in Granada. TVE approved the third season in July 2013 before the second season premiered.
This series is a biography about the Queen of Castile, Isabella the Catholic. The first season chronicles the period between 1461 and 1474: from the end of her childhood to her marriage with Ferdinand II of Aragon and her difficult arrival to the Crown. The second season chronicles the period between 1474 and 1492: from her crowning to the conquest of Granada and the beginning of the journey of Christopher Columbus.
Isabel (Elisabeth) is a classical crossover song in Spanish adapted for the quartet Il Divo, included in their album Ancora (2005).
The original melody comes from the "Pavane in F-sharp minor, Op. 50". Gabriel Fauré, 1887.
With lyrics by Andreas Romdhane, 2005.
The song commemorates the French countess Élisabeth Greffulhe
Boikot is a Spanish left-wing punk rock band.
The band started in 1987 playing at bars, parties and every type of dive. After a pair of adjustments to the band's lineup they recorded two albums with the label Barrabás. They made themselves known by playing in venues across Madrid until 1995 when they split with Barrabás and decided to start their own production business aptly named BKT. They launched two albums, Cría Cuervos and Tu Condena, and played in rock festivals as diverse as Festimad and Metaliko Rock among others. Following this, the group decided to create a trilogy which would be named La Ruta del Ché, the three albums of which would include different versions of popular songs such as "Hasta Siempre" by Carlos Puebla and engravings made while they were on tour in countries such as Cuba, Mexico, and Argentina. At this stage of La Ruta del Ché the group took inspiration from the South American countries they visited and included a greater number of instruments and rhythms from Latin America.
Vivo de la mar
Mi economía se derrumba
El marisco lo pillo contaminao
La autoridad ha tomao
Cierto tipos de medidas
Me ofrecen el mar pa traficar
Que culpa tengo yo que soy un pescao
Que ando siempre bastante drogao
Que culpa tengo yo si soy el pez flaco
Que acabo siempre, siempre enganchao
En Bruselas me han multao
Por pescar cuatro sardinas
Pero insisten que trabaje pa su clan
Mi economía ha cambiao
Mi ritmo es trepidante
A los jueces los compro por adelantao
Que bien, que bien, hoy comemos con Isabel!
Que bien, que bien, hoy comemos con Isabel!
Así, así, aquí, aquí amasé mucho dinero
Por ti, por ti y así, así me quedé con tu dinero
Al día dijeron que ya estaba muerto
Me pescaron muy cerca del puerto
Todo tenia muy mal aspecto
Terminé ahogado en tormentos
Vivimos de la mar
Yo y los Yonquis de mi pueblo
El alcalde algunos gramos me ha comprao
La comandancia de marina esta de orgía todo el día
Me he enterao que trabaja pa su clan
Que culpa tengo yo que soy un pescao
Que culpa tengo yo si soy el pez flaco
Que ando siempre bastante drogao
Que acabo siempre, siempre enganchao
Que bien, que bien, hoy comemos con Isabel!
Que bien, que bien, hoy comemos con Isabel!
Así, así, aquí, aquí amasé mucho dinero
Por ti, por ti y así, así me quedé con tu dinero