The Irish people (Irish:Muintir na hÉireann or Na hÉireannaigh) are a Celticnation and ethnic group who originate from the island of Ireland and its associated islands. Ireland has been inhabited for about 9,000 years according to archaeological studies (see Prehistoric Ireland). For most of Ireland's recorded history, the Irish have been primarily a Gaelic people (see Gaelic Ireland). Anglo-Normansconquered parts of Ireland in the 12th century, while England's 16th/17th century (re)conquest and colonization of Ireland brought a large number of English and Lowland Scots to parts of the island, most notably Northern Ireland, where they form a separate and distinct ethnic group.
The Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB; Irish:Bráithreachas Phoblacht na hÉireann) was a secret oath-bound fraternal organisation dedicated to the establishment of an "independent democratic republic" in Ireland between 1858 and 1924. Its counterpart in the United States of America was organised by John O'Mahony and became known as the Fenian Brotherhood (later Clan na Gael). The members of both wings of the movement are often referred to as "Fenians". The IRB played an important role in the history of Ireland, as the chief advocate of republicanism during the campaign for Ireland's independence from the United Kingdom, successor to movements such as the United Irishmen of the 1790s and the Young Irelanders of the 1840s.
This is a list of notable Irish people who were born on the island of Ireland, in either the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland, and have lived there for most of their lives. Also included on the list are people who were not born in Ireland, but have been raised as Irish, have lived there for most of their lives or in regards to the Republic of Ireland, have adopted Irish citizenship (e.g., Daniel Day-Lewis). The names are sorted by surname.
The IrishTimes assembled a panel of 60 ... While the majority of voters were Irish, people from 26 other countries are also represented within the 1,993 votes ... The 100 best Irish books of the 21st century.
Her accent is distinctly Irish, but flecked with Australian cadence ... “It was that article about how Irish people say ‘now’ all the time,” she told me, her eyebrows furrowed suspiciously.
The reader callout was prompted by a recent IrishTimes interview in which Michael Stanley, chief executive of Cairn Homes, said the narrative about Irish people not wanting to live in apartments makes him cringe.
Labour leader Ivana Bacik has said two fingers have been shown to the Opposition and to the people of the country ... The image of the day is Michael Lowry giving two fingers—not just to the Opposition, but to Irish democracy and the people of Ireland.
Irish language signage is set to be installed at the Grand Central Station in Belfast... "I am committed to the visibility and promotion of Irish language across public services and in our society.
Hundreds of Irish language activists have gathered at Stormont to protest at a decision by the DUP to block cross-border funding for schemes supporting the language across the island of Ireland.
“Currently the Irish diaspora in America, since the show we did last year, has grown by nearly 2 million people. So we now have 33 million Americans who have Irish heritage, and that’s a lot of ...
It's been a record month for #DiscoverIrishKidsBooks, with 12 new titles from Irish born or based writers and illustrators hitting book shops and libraries ... Compiled by award-winning and best-selling Irish Author Triona Campbell.
“Our money is being spent on overseas issues that has nothing to do with the Irish people,” McGregor said, “illegal immigration racket is running ravage on the country.”.
Football fans have vented their anger on social media following Joey Barton's use of a slogan closely affiliated with the IrishRepublican Army after being found guilty of assaulting his wife ... A number of people responded, with one writing.
Irish songwriter and dancer Rob De Boer has released his new song, Our Own Way, from his forthcoming debut album, Man To You ... My peers - the people I play and perform with - inspire me a lot too ... Where can people find your music/more information?.
The row over speaking rights, which has dominated the Dáil since its return, reflects badly on Irish parliamentary politics and will damage people’s perception of how it operates ... READ MORE ... .