Hatt-i humayun (Ottoman Turkish: خط همايون, Turkish: hatt-ı hümayun or hatt-ı hümâyûn), also known as hatt-i sharif (hatt-ı şerîf), is the diplomatics term for a document or handwritten note of an official nature composed by an Ottoman sultan. The terms come from hatt (Arabic: handwriting, command), hümayun (imperial) and şerif (lofty, noble). These notes were commonly written by the Sultan personally, although they could also be transcribed by a palace scribe. They were written usually in response to, and directly on, a document submitted to the sultan by the grand vizier or another officer of the Ottoman government. Thus, they could be approvals or denials of a letter of petition, acknowledgements of a report, grants of permission for a request, an annotation to a decree, or other government documents. Hatt-ı hümayuns could be composed from scratch, rather than as a response to an existing document. After the Tanzimat reform (1856), aimed to modernize the Ottoman Empire, hatt-ı hümayuns of the routine kind were supplanted by the practice of irâde-i seniyye, in which the Sultan's spoken response was recorded on the document by his scribe.
This list contains persons named in the Bible of minor notability, about whom either nothing or very little is known, aside from any family connections.
In Jeremiah 36:26, Abdeel (Ab'dēel) (Hebrew עַבְדְּאֵל "servant of God"; akin to Arabic Abdullah), father of Shelemiah, one of three men that were commanded by King Jehoiakim to seize the prophet Jeremiah and his secretary Baruch. The Septuagint omits his name.
The name Abdi (Hebrew עַבְדִּי) is probably an abbreviation of Obediah, meaning "servant of YHWH", according to the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Easton's Bible Encyclopedia, on the other hand, holds that it means "my servant". The name "Abdi" appears three times in the Bible.
Hold still
Don’t move I say
Wilt thou hear
My elegy
Head high
Preserve my pride
I shall defy the gallows
I and you and me
Well we just don’t know
What love can do
I pledge to you
That I won’t deceive
The heart that’s mine
As here I sit
I vow
Your history does not
Perish my love
The shame
Will be mine for a
Scarlet woman thou art
I and you and me
Well we just don’t know
What love can do
I pledge to you
That I won’t deceive
The heart that’s mine
Dead from the grave
We’re all slaves
To what we’ve got
Is been through
The door