Iphitos (; Ancient Greek: Ἴφιτος), also Īphitus, was a name attributed to five individuals in Greek mythology.
Iphitos was the son of Eurytus, king of Oechalia, and a descendant of Oxylus. After defeating Eurytus in an archery contest, Heracles was accused of stealing Eurytus's cattle as revenge because he was not given the prize, Iole. During his search for the cattle, Iphitos met Odysseus in Messenia, befriended him, and gave Odysseus his father Eurytus's bow. Iphitus took Heracles's cattle, and was ultimately killed when Heracles, in a fit of madness, threw him off a wall in the city of Tiryns.
Iphitos was the son of Naubolus and king of Phocis. He entertained Jason when he consulted the Delphic Oracle and later joined the Argonauts. His sons Schedius and Epistrophus led the Phocians in the Trojan war.
Iphitos was an Elean who was killed by Copreus.
Iphitos, king of Elis, restored the Olympic Games after the Dorian invasion. The restoration came after his asking the Oracle at Delphi about should be done to save Greece from civil war and the diseases that were killing the population. The Oracle answered: "Iphitos and the people of Elis must declare a sacred truce for the duration of the game and revive the Olympic Games".