Ionactis, conmmon name Stiff-leaved Asters or ankle-asters, is small genus of plants belonging to the daisy family. These aster-like plants are endemic to North America (Canada and the United States). One species is widespread across much of the eastern half of the continent, while two others are rare endemics with very restricted ranges (see below).
The generic name, Ionactis, is derived from the Greek words "ion," meaning "violet" and "aktis" meaning "ray." This is in allusion to the ray florets, frequently pale purple in this genus.
Ionactis was classified as a separate genus by Edward Lee Greene in 1897 with the species Ionactis linariifolia, which had been classified by Carl Linnaeus as Aster linariifolius. The species of Aster (in a strict sense) are now restricted to Eurasia.
The Stiff-leaved Asters are perennial herbs with numerous green stems, about 2,5 cm long (rarely 10 cm), usually in a tussock. The spatulate leaves are small, stiff, sharply ascending and thick about the stem. The upper leaves are much smaller than the lower. Yellow-orange resin droplets form on the leaves of the Red Rock Canyon Aster (Ionactis caelestis).