Invasion is the thirteenth LP by Norwegian electronic dance music producer Aleksander Vinter who goes by the stage name "Savant." The LP was released song by song on SoundCloud, with the exception of "Broken." It was remastered and re-released in January 2015 as a pay what you want LP on Bandcamp, and the remastered versions have since been released on all popular online music stores such as iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, as well as on Spotify.
“Invasion is similar to other albums I’ve done straight after a big concept album. Like Overkill, which I released for free last year. Invasion is a freedom album with the emphasis on fun. It’s about the tracks, not the journey. I wanted to get back to that Vario vibe; fun and silly and computer gamey. It’s a bit more commercial sounding than other stuff, but it’s my take on commercial sounding music. I’ve had a lot of fun making it, and when I play any of the tracks live people go awesome!” — Savant
Invasion (Nastyboy) is the first studio album by NB Ridaz. It was released on September 11, 2001.
The Invasion is the partly missing third serial of the sixth season of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast in eight weekly parts from 2 November to 21 December 1968. It marks the first appearance of UNIT and, notably, Corporal Benton, later to become a Sergeant. It is the first now-incomplete Doctor Who serial to be released with full-length animated reconstructions of its two missing episodes.
The TARDIS evades a missile fired by a spaceship on the Moon, landing the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe in late twentieth-century England. The visual stabiliser is damaged and renders the TARDIS invisible, so they try to find Professor Edward Travers (of The Abominable Snowmen and The Web of Fear) to seek his assistance. They hitch a lift to London, and the lorry driver talks of International Electromatics, the world's largest electronics manufacturer.
The Doctor discovers that Professor Travers has left for America with his daughter, leaving his London home in the care of Isobel Watkins and her scientist uncle, Professor Watkins, who has mysteriously disappeared while working for the same company, International Electromatics. The Doctor and Jamie go to IE's head office in London, to investigate. When the electronic receptionist refuses them entry, they seek out a back entrance, but are arrested and taken before IE's Managing Director, the sinister Tobias Vaughn, who gives them a cock-and-bull story of Professor Watkins being at a delicate stage of his work and refusing to see anyone. The Doctor is immediately suspicious, noticing that the inhuman Vaughn never blinks once during their meeting.
Asa is the sixth studio album by the German Viking metal band Falkenbach. It was released in 2013 on Prophecy Productions.
Matti Salo (born 1980), professionally known as Asa and previously as Avain, is a Finnish rapper. He is also a member of a hip hop and reggae group Jätkäjätkät.
In the early 2000s, Salo was signed to Warner Music Finland. Under his initial stage name Avain, he released his debut album Punainen tiili in 2001. With its socially conscious lyrics, the album is considered to be one of the most important Finnish hip hop albums of all time. Soon after its release, Salo parted ways with his record company and went on a few years hiatus.
While the rights to his former stage name remained at Warner Music, Salo emerged in 2004 with his current alias Asa. To date, he has released nine studio albums, two of which have reached number two on the Finnish Albums Chart, along with three albums with the group Jätkäjätkät.
Asa is a given name in several parts of the world.
Tear up the cul-de-sac it's all the rage
Tear up the cul-de-sac fevered sensation
Revolt against recreation
Spit back what you taught us
Rebellion on the roller rink