Intergang is a fictional organized crime group in Superman and other DC comics. Armed with technology supplied by the villainous New Gods of the planet Apokolips, it is a potent foe who can seriously challenge the most powerful superheroes. It was created by Jack Kirby and first appeared in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #133 (October 1970).
Intergang was run by a gangster named Bruno Mannheim, as revealed in Jimmy Olsen #139. He was, however, getting orders and weaponry from Darkseid, who was using Intergang to help track down the Anti-Life Equation.
Intergang also worked with Morgan Edge, the head of the Galaxy Broadcasting System television network (which had recently purchased the Daily Planet and had Clark Kent transferred to its Metropolis affiliate WGBS-TV as its anchorman). It was later revealed that this was not the real Morgan Edge, but a clone from the "Evil Factory." When the clone could not bring itself to kill the original Edge at the order of Darkseid the real Edge was imprisoned. The original Edge would later escape with the help of Jimmy Olsen. During an ensuing battle with Intergang the clone was mistaken for the original by Intergang hitman Tombstone Gear and incinerated. The real Edge was soon free to resume his role as Galaxy's president.
Geh' los und sammel Helme!
Geh' los, grab' Steine aus!
Geh' los und spalte Schilder!
Nicht nach Haus'! Nicht nach Haus'!
Keine Zukunft oder was?
Komm wir gehen los und haben SpaÃ!
Mit 'nem groÃen Haufen Dosen
Geht kaum was in die Hosen!
1, 2, 3, 4 - für den Untergang sorgen wir!
Fütter deinen Kopf
Oder streà deine Leber
Kleid dich rot