Interamnia – also, Interamna (Greek: Ἰντέραμνα) or Interamnium (Greek: Ἰντεράμνιον) – is an ancient Latin placename, meaning "between rivers". There were at least three towns of ancient Italy so named:
704 Interamnia is a very large asteroid, with an estimated diameter of 350 kilometres. Its mean distance from the Sun is 3.067 (AU). It was discovered on October 2, 1910 by Vincenzo Cerulli, and named after the Latin name for Teramo, Italy, where Cerulli worked. It is probably the fifth-most-massive asteroid after Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, and Hygiea, with a mass estimated to be 1.2% of the mass of the entire asteroid belt.
Although Interamnia is the largest asteroid after the "big four", it is a very little-studied body. It is easily the largest of the F-type asteroids, but there exist very few details of its internal composition or shape, and no light curve analysis has yet been done to determine the ecliptic coordinates of Interamnia's poles (and hence its axial tilt). Its apparently high bulk density (though subject to much error) suggests an extremely solid body entirely without internal porosity or traces of water. This also strongly suggests that Interamnia is large enough to have fully withstood all the collisions that have occurred in the asteroid belt since the Solar System was formed.
You made my decision
Now take hold of my hand
And I'll promise in front of the world
To be your one true man
I'll stand among my best friends
They all understand
That I'm changing for the better (yes I am)
I'm your one true man
I am your one true man
Your one true man I am
I'm gonna love you like no one man can
Your one true man, I am
Living wit me isn't easy
My life has its demands
But I want you to know that wherever I go
I'm your one true man
I am your one true man
You one true man I am...
Sometimes I get so crazy
You get so hard to hold on to
But I won't let you go
Cus I know, I know who I am
I am your one true man
Your one true man I am
I'm gonna love you like no one man can