The title of intendant (French:intendant, Spanish:intendente) has been used in several countries through history. Traditionally, it refers to the holder of a public administrative office. The title was used and is also commonly found today in many theatres and opera houses in Europe, where it is the equivalent to General Director, a title given to an individual in a managerial position, generally having control over all aspects of the company.
Intendants were royal civil servants in France under the Old Regime. A product of the centralization policies of the French crown, intendants were appointed "commissions," and not purchasable hereditary "offices," which thus prevented the abuse of sales of royal offices and made them more tractable and subservient emissaries of the king. Intendants were sent to supervise and enforce the king's will in the provinces and had jurisdiction over three areas: finances, policing and justice.
Their missions were always temporary, which helped reduce favorable bias toward a province, and were focused on royal inspection. Article 54 of the Code Michau described their functions as "to learn about all crimes, misdemeanors and financial misdealings committed by our officials and of other things concerning our service and the tranquility of our people" ("informer de tous crimes, abus et malversations commises par nos officiers et autres choses concernant notre service et le soulagement de notre peuple").
Watch me watch me watch me Won't you watch me for a while Watch me pick my worms up And put them in a pile Watch me sit upon it with My Mona Lisa smile.
LAWRENCE — In a matter of days Kansas basketball is facing the reality it could lose another one of its freshmen from this past season, as multiple reports Sunday mentioned Rakease Passmore intends to enter the transfer portal ... KU was a No ... 10 seed.
An Ontario judge has rejected a proposed Hudson's Bay restructuring agreement that would have given the retailer more runway to save the six stores not being liquidated, even as its creditors are circling closer ... .
Substantial rent increases at a townhouse complex in an Edmonton neighbourhood are forcing some tenants out of their homes and starting a conversation about the reality that many renters are facing ... .
Syrian authorities said Saturday that they had seized weapons and explosives planned to be used by loyalists of the deposed Bashar al-Assad regime to carry out terrorist attacks ... .
LAWRENCE — A player thought to be a pivotal piece of Kansas basketball’s team next season might not be on the roster for it, as multiple reports have outlined Flory Bidunga intends to enter the transfer portal.