A name is a term used for identification. Names can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a given context. A personal name identifies, not necessarily uniquely, a specific individual human. The name of a specific entity is sometimes called a proper name (although that term has a philosophical meaning also) and is, when consisting of only one word, a proper noun. Other nouns are sometimes called "common names" or (obsolete) "general names". A name can be given to a person, place, or thing; for example, parents can give their child a name or scientist can give an element a name.
Caution must be exercised when translating, for there are ways that one language may prefer one type of name over another. A feudal naming habit is used sometimes in other languages: the French sometimes refer to Aristotle as "le Stagirite" from one spelling of his place of birth, and English speakers often refer to Shakespeare as "The Bard", recognizing him as a paragon writer of the language. Also, claims to preference or authority can be refuted: the British did not refer to Louis-Napoleon as Napoleon III during his rule.
An identifier is a name that identifies (that is, labels the identity of) either a unique object or a unique class of objects, where the "object" or class may be an idea, physical [countable] object (or class thereof), or physical [noncountable] substance (or class thereof). The abbreviation ID often refers to identity, identification (the process of identifying), or an identifier (that is, an instance of identification). An identifier may be a word, number, letter, symbol, or any combination of those.
The words, numbers, letters, or symbols may follow an encoding system (wherein letters, digits, words, or symbols stand for (represent) ideas or longer names) or they may simply be arbitrary. When an identifier follows an encoding system, it is often referred to as a code or ID code. Identifiers that do not follow any encoding scheme are often said to be arbitrary IDs; they are arbitrarily assigned and have no greater meaning. (Sometimes identifiers are called "codes" even when they are actually arbitrary, whether because the speaker believes that they have deeper meaning or simply because he is speaking casually and imprecisely.)
In computing, naming schemes are often used for objects connected into computer networks.
Server naming is a common tradition. It makes it more convient to refer to a machine by name than by its IP address.
CIA named their servers after states.
Server names may be named by their role or follow a common theme such as colors, countries, cities, planets, chemical element, scientists, etc. If servers are in multiple different geographical locations they may be named by closest airport code.
Such as web-01, web-02, web-03, mail-01, db-01, db-02.
Airport code example:
City-State-Nation example:
Thus, a production server in Minneapolis, Minnesota would be nnn.ps.min.mn.us.example.com, or a development server in Vancouver, BC, would be nnn.ds.van.bc.ca.example.com.
Large networks often use a systematic naming scheme, such as using a location (e.g. a department) plus a purpose to generate a name for a computer.
For example, a web server in NY may be called "nyc-www-04.xyz.net".
Insert may refer to:
In audio processing and sound reinforcement, an insert is an access point built into the mixing console, allowing the user to add external line level devices into the signal flow between the microphone preamplifier and the mix bus.
Common usages include gating, compressing, equalizing and for reverb effects that are specific to that channel or group. Inserts can be used as an alternate way to route signals such as for multitrack recording output or line level direct input.
Inserts can be balanced or unbalanced. Typically, higher-end mixers will have balanced inserts and entry level mixers will have unbalanced inserts. Balanced inserts appear as a pair of jacks, one serving as the send (out from the mixer) and the other serving as the return (back to the mixer.) Balanced insert jacks can be XLR, 1/4" TRS phone connector or Bantam TT.
Unbalanced inserts can also be a pair of jacks such as RCA or 1/4" TS (Tip Sleeve) phone connector. Again, one jack serves as send and the other serves as return.
An SQL INSERT statement adds one or more records to any single table in a relational database.
Insert statements have the following form:
The number of columns and values must be the same. If a column is not specified, the default value for the column is used. The values specified (or implied) by the INSERT
statement must satisfy all the applicable constraints (such as primary keys, CHECK
constraints, and NOT NULL
constraints). If a syntax error occurs or if any constraints are violated, the new row is not added to the table and an error returned instead.
Shorthand may also be used, taking advantage of the order of the columns when the table was created. It is not required to specify all columns in the table since any other columns will take their default value or remain null:
Example for inserting data into 2 columns in the phone_book table and ignoring any other columns which may be after the first 2 in the table.
A SQL feature (since SQL-92) is the use of row value constructors to insert multiple rows at a time in a single SQL statement: