Inner Party
In the world of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, Oceania is split into three "classes": the Inner Party, the Outer Party and the proles. The Inner Party regulates Ingsoc and the Thought Police, and keeps all Outer Party members under close supervision, while the proles live in relatively depressed, but unmonitored conditions.
The Inner Party represents the oligarchical political class in Oceania, and has its membership restricted to 6 million individuals (about 2% of the population). Inner Party members enjoy a quality of life that is much better than that of the Outer Party members and the proles. The telescreens in their homes can ostensibly be turned off (for up to 30 minutes at a time); however, this revelation may have been a method of deception utilised against Winston and Julia, as conversations they had after O'Brien turned off his telescreen were later played back to them anyway. This suggests only the audio and vision circuits can be turned off, while the inbuilt cameras and microphones continue to function.