Infanticide (or infant homicide) is the intentional killing of children under the age of 12 months according to the Infanticide Act 1938 in the UK. Parental infanticide researchers have found that mothers are far more likely than fathers to be the perpetrator for neonaticide and slightly more likely to commit infanticide in general.
In many past societies, certain forms of infanticide were considered permissible. In some countries, female infanticide is more common than the killing of male offspring, due to sex-selective infanticide. In China for example, the gender gap between males and females aged 0–19 year old was estimated to be 25 million in 2010 by the United Nations Population Fund,.
The practice of infanticide has taken many forms. Child sacrifice to supernatural figures or forces, such as that believed to have been practiced in ancient Carthage, may be only the most notorious example in the ancient world. Anthropologist Laila Williamson notes that "Infanticide has been practiced on every continent and by people on every level of cultural complexity, from hunter gatherers to high civilizations, including our own ancestors. Rather than being an exception, then, it has been the rule."
In animals, infanticide involves the killing of young offspring by a mature animal of its own species, and is studied in zoology, specifically in the field of ethology. Ovicide is the analogous destruction of eggs. Although human infanticide has been widely studied, the practice has been observed in many other species throughout the animal kingdom. These include microscopic rotifers, insects, fish, amphibians, birds and mammals. Infanticide can be practiced by both males and females.
Infanticide caused by sexual conflict has the general theme of the killer (often male) becoming the new sexual partner of the victim's parent, which would otherwise be unavailable. This represents a gain in fitness by the killer, and a loss in fitness by the parents of the offspring killed. This is a type of evolutionary struggle between the two sexes, in which the victim sex may have counter-adaptations that reduce the success of this practice. It may also occur for other reasons, such as the struggle for food between females. In this case individuals may even kill closely related offspring.
A Nude Little Girl Corpse
Has Been Found Entombed
In The Forest
Her Head Ripped Off The Trunk
Her Face Was Disfigured
Using Acid
Entrails Ripped Out From Her Cunt
Clear Signs Of Rape
Fucked After Death
Rage And Affliction
In The Funeral
Small White Caskets
Cruel Infanticide
Meanwhile Murderer Acts
Another Girl Is Strangled
With Her Own Guts
Anal Orifice Burst Open
By A Drilling Machine
Sex Ritual Of Mutilation
Ecstasy In Blood
As Children Cry
Rage And Affliction
In The Funeral
Small White Caskets
Cruel Infanticide
"I Feel No Regrets, As I Slit The Throat
I Hate Their Tender Loods, So I Pull Out Their Eyes
Mangled Fragile Bodies, Broken Like Old Dolls
Victims Of My Games, Children Are My Toys"
New Cadavers Appear
Each Killing Seems To Be
More Sadistic
Awful Abuse Of The Corpses
Physically Tortured
And Defaced
Rage And Affliction
In The Funeral
Small White Caskets
Cruel Infanticide
Brutality And Evilness
Terrorize The World
As The Killer Laughs...
Lyrics taken from
Avulsed official site