Indigo is a color that is traditionally regarded as a color on the visible spectrum, as well as one of the seven colors of the rainbow: the color between blue and violet. Although traditionally considered one of seven major spectral colors, sources differ as to its actual position in the electromagnetic spectrum. Indigo is a deep and bright color close to the color wheel blue (a primary color in the RGB color space), as well as to some variants of ultramarine.
The color indigo was named after the indigo dye derived from the plant Indigofera tinctoria and related species.
The first known recorded use of indigo as a color name in English was in 1289.
India is believed to be the oldest center of indigo dyeing in the Old World. It was a primary supplier of indigo dye, derived from the plant Indigofera tinctoria, to Europe as early as the Greco-Roman era. The association of India with indigo is reflected in the Greek word for the 'dye', which was indikon (ινδικόν). The Romans used the term indicum, which passed into Italian dialect and eventually into English as the word indigo. El Salvador has lately been the biggest producer of indigo.
Indigo Blue is a 2005 children's novel written by British author Cathy Cassidy. The book is about a girl named Indigo and how her life changes as she, her mother and her baby sister Misti move to a new flat because of domestic violence.
Indigo "Indie" Collins is a girl in Year Six who loves to day-dream. She lives with her mother, her mother's boyfriend Max and her baby sister Misti. Max and Indigo's mother keep arguing and their Mum becomes a victim of domestic abuse. One night, when it gets too much to handle, they move to a new flat. Indie is also really worried that her best friend Jo does not like her very much anymore, because Indie is not telling her about Max.
When they move to the flat, they discover it is not a nice place at all. They share the house with Ian, a kind man above them, and Mrs Green, the owner of the house, a grumpy old lady on the bottom floor. Without much money and with only biscuits to eat, Indie's family have to fix up the flat and learn to survive. Max physically injures Indie's mother and is put on trial. Meanwhile, Indigo is looked after by Ian.
No se como decirte esto que siento
Sé que ese no es el mejor momento
pero hay algo que quema dentro,
y no puedo controlar...
aun recuerdo que no eras nada
invertiste en mi sol, mi mañana
depertaba abrazando tu cuerpo
pero solo era tu almohada
hubiera querido que no fuera asi
poderte dar todo lo que buscas en mi
pero el destino, a veces nos juega mal
el corazón confunde entre querer y amar.
** hubiera querido no ser solo un tiempo
y darte mi vida no solo un momento
hubiera querido contarte mis miedos
para convertirlos contigo en sueños
hubiera querido saber que decirte
cuando preguntaste si todo era amarte,
pero entre querer y amar...hace falta tiempo para contestar.
hubiera querido que no fuera asi
poderte dar todo lo que buscas en mi
pero el destino, a veces nos juega mal
el corazón confunde entre querer y amar**
no se como decirte esto que siento
aun recuerdo que no eras nada...