Implicit surface
In mathematics an implicit surface is a surface in Euclidean space defined by an equation
An implicit surface is the set of zeros of a function of 3 variables. Implicit means, that the equation is not solved for x or y or z.
The graph of a function is usually described by an equation
and is called an explicit representation. The third essential description of a surface is the parametric one:
, where the x-, y- and z-coordinates of surface points are represented by three functions
depending on common parameters
. The change of representations is usually simple only, when the explicit representation
is given:
Surface of genus 2:
(s. picture).
Surface of revolution
(s. picture wineglas).
For a plane, a sphere and a torus there exist simple parametric representations. This is not true for the 4. example.
The implicit function theorem describes conditions, under which an equation
can be solved (theoretically) for x, y or z. But in general the solution may not be feasible. This theorem is the key to the computation of essential geometric features of a surface: tangent planes, surface normals, curvatures (s. below). But they have an essential drawback: their visualization is difficult.