An Imperial State or Imperial Estate (Latin:Status Imperii; German:Reichsstand, plural: Reichsstände) was a part of the Holy Roman Empire with representation and the right to vote in the Imperial Diet (Reichstag). Rulers of these States were able to exercise significant rights and privileges and were "immediate", meaning that the only authority above them was the Holy Roman Emperor. They were thus able to rule their territories with a considerable degree of autonomy.
Imperial States could be either ecclesiastic or secular. The ecclesiastical states were led by:
This year, it is celebrating its 100th year as the New Delhi main branch of the StateBank of India, as the ImperialBank was later renamed.The bank building is a sleek, grey, multi-storey structure towering over the area.
The church is located on the site of the execution of the Romanov imperial family. The diocese said the pipeline section was provided by a local subsidiary of Gazprom, the state-owned energy giant, which also helped organize the event.
One of the most prominent figures in the early days of 20th century imperialism was U.S ... On his first day in office, Trump returned Cuba to the list of “state sponsors of terrorism” (in addition to it, Iran, North Korea, and Syria are on the list).
In order for their sovereignty to be recognized internationally, IndigenousPacific peoples had to adopt the nation-state structure created by imperial powers, conform to geographic boundaries carved ...
Lula attended a welcoming ceremony at the ImperialPalace, with Prime MinisterShigeru Ishiba participating ahead of a state banquet ... emperor and empress, and a state banquet at the Imperial Palace.
After adjournment of the constitutional convention in Philadelphia in 1787, that produced the Constitution of the of the UnitedStates, Benjamin Franklin, a delegate to that convention, was asked what sort of government had been created.
list of 3 itemslist 1 of 3As Germany braces for election, backing the far-right AfD no longer a taboo ... end of list ... In its early days, the group mobilised against what it saw as US imperialism and a “fascist” German state riddled with former Nazis ... .
The group's members took up arms against what they saw as US imperialism and a 'fascist' German state that was still riddled with former Nazis ... Undated handout pictures released by the StateOffice of ...
German far-left militant defiant in court after decades on the run ... Members of the group, also known as the Red Army Faction , took up arms against what they saw as US imperialism and a "fascist" German state that was still riddled with former Nazis.
In his second inauguration address, UnitedStatesPresident Trump began by declaring ... Invoking the language of imperial expansion, he even proposed the idea of making Canada the "cherished 51st state.".
Brazil’s president starts a four-day state visit to Japan on ... A welcome ceremony will be held for the left-wing president on Tuesday at Tokyo’s ImperialPalace, followed by a state banquet that evening.
We have become quickly addicted to funding from USAID, the StateDepartment, other U.S.-dominated international organizations, diplomatic initiatives, and leadership from American companies... cultural imperialism.
The U.S. will build a 6th-generation fighter jet ... Lockheed, which designed the U.S ...Rewind ... Related ... Trump ... Trump is still leaning into his imperial dream of annexing Canada, telling reporters Friday, “When I say they should be a state, I mean that ... .