Oswald may refer to:
The King of Fighters fighting game series, produced by SNK Playmore, includes a wide cast of characters, some of which are taken from other SNK games. The story takes place in a fictional universe in which an annual series of 3-on-3 or 4-on-4 fighting tournaments are held.
The first game in the series introduces the initial main character of the series, Kyo Kusanagi, a young Japanese fighter who is the heir to a powerful group of martial artists having pyrokinetic abilities. Kyo fights against the Kusanagi clan's enemies, his rival Iori Yagami, and the god Orochi and its human followers, among others. The first four games in the series revolve about these fights, while The King of Fighters '99 introduces a new story arc, revolving around K′, a young man who seeks to destroy the mysterious NESTS organization because they kidnapped him at an early age and stripped him of his past memories, so that they could force him to be a fighter under their control. In The King of Fighters 2003, a new character named Ash Crimson enters the tournament, to steal the powers of the clans who sealed the Orochi in the past for an unknown reason. A new group of antagonists, known as Those From the Past, also appears in the series; they want to obtain Orochi's power for the purpose of giving it to their unknown master.
Seymour O'Reilly is a Marvel Comics character who first appeared in Amazing Fantasy #15.
He was a wisecracking, bully-wannabe who joined athlete Flash Thompson to pick on unpopular kids such as Peter Parker. When Spider-Man appeared throughout the years, Seymour was still a sort of harasser to Peter as time goes by; for instance, he began playing some pranks on Peter such as putting a "kick-me" sign on his back and trying to give him a "wedgie". He makes a final appearance in the Marvel Knights Spider-Man series in issue #7 where he once again troubles Peter and he meets his demise when he is killed by Angelo Fortunato, the son of crime boss Don Fortunato who became the new Venom. Peter and his wife Mary Jane Watson were questioned by the police regarding O'Reilly's death who arrive at Peter's high school reunion due to O'Reilly's demise.
A bargaining impasse occurs when the two sides negotiating an agreement are unable to reach an agreement and become deadlocked. An impasse is almost invariably mutually harmful, either as a result of direct action which may be taken such as a strike in employment negotiation or sanctions/military action in international relations, or simply due to the resulting delay in negotiating a mutually beneficial agreement.
Some theorists contend that impasses are used by negotiating parties in situations of imperfect information as a method of signalling to the other side the seriousness of their position. Impasse provides a credible signal that a party’s position is genuine and not merely an ambit claim.
Impasse may also arise if parties suffer from self-serving bias. Most disputes arise in situations where facts are able to be interpreted in multiple ways, and if parties interpret the facts to their own benefit they may be unable to accept the opposing party’s claim as reasonable. They may believe the other side is either bluffing or acting unfairly and deserves to be "punished".
Impasse is a 1969 American film about a group of adventurers trying to recover gold lost in the Philippines during World War II. It stars Burt Reynolds, Anne Francis, Vic Diaz, Lyle Bettger and Rodolfo Acosta
Pat Morrison (Reynolds) runs a shady salvage operation in Manila. His latest scheme involves finding $3 million worth of gold bars hidden by the military during World War II. To this end, he needs the help of several former soldiers who were present when the gold was hidden. The first is Jesus (Vic Diaz), a Filipino muslim and Morrison's business associate. The second is Draco (Rodolfo Acosta), a hard-drinking, hot-tempered Apache living on an Indian reservation who answers Morrison's telegram with the promise of finding a wartime lover named Maria Bonita.
The trio then breaks the third man, the bigoted Hansen (Lyle Bettger), out of a Filipino jail. Draco eventually manages to find Maria in a local bar, but discovers that she has grown older and gained weight. Meanwhile, Morrison rescues the captured Trev Jones (Clarke Gordon), a veteran with a heart condition who has been abducted by Wombat (Jeff Corey). With Trev's help, Morrison and company are able to figure out the gold's exact location in the Malinta Tunnel on the island of Corregidor. Along the way, Morrison falls in love with Jones's daughter Bobby (Anne Francis), a tennis champion. This complicates matters as Morrison is sleeping with Jesus's Japanese wife Mariko (Miko Mayama), a fact that Jesus discovers and confronts Morrison with.