An immature ovum is a cell that goes through the process of oogenesis to become an ovum. It can be an oogonium, an oocyte, or an ootid. An oocyte, in turn, can be either primary or secondary, depending on how far it has come in its process of meiosis.
Oogonia are the cells that turn into primary oocytes in oogenesis. They are diploid, i.e. containing both pairs of homologous chromosomes. There are 23 chromosome pairs. Thus there are 46 chromosomes. Each chromosome, however, hasn't yet duplicated itself. Thus, there are only one chromatid on each chromosome, making the total quantity of chromatids 46. This is twice the number of chromosome pairs (2N).
Oogonia are created in early embryonic life. All have turned into primary oocytes at late fetal age.
The primary oocyte is defined by its process of ootidogenesis, which is meiosis. It has duplicated its DNA, so that each chromosome has two chromatids, i.e. 92 chromatids all in all (4C).
When meiosis I is completed, one secondary oocyte and one polar body is created.
My God has a mighty
Hand as powerful as the
Raging sea
It could heal the broken
Body or bring a strong
Man to his knees
My God blows me away
Like a hurricane He stirs
Me up then calms me
Down leaving me insane
Awaken my senses to be
A better man i touch the
Hem of his flowing robe
And then I ran
I keep wasting precious
Time on these mountains
That i climb just to walk
Back down again to see
What's on the other side
With a fear of what i'll find
But I will not back down i
Will not back down
My God offers me seren-
Ity this apathy my identity
Gone leaves simplicity
I rid myself of this com-
Placency the curiosity to
Be a better me opens
These eyes to see
Time for the song to be
Summed up the show has
Been hyped up the crowd
Has been shocked
Redemption is for all it
Doesn't matter who you
Are he doesn't care about
The hand that you drew
And we're here to enter-
Tain you to rock your
Socks off the higher pur-
Pose spread his love from
Here to moscow
Separate yourself from
The evil all around all we
Ask of you now is that you