
Igman (pronounced [îɡman]) is a mountain plateau in central Bosnia and Herzegovina. Geologically, Igman is part of the Dinaric Alps and formed largely of secondary and tertiary sedimentary rock, mostly Limestone. It is located southwest of Sarajevo, bordering the Bjelašnica range in the south and west, Hadžići and Ilidža in the north, and the river Željeznica in the east. Igman's highest point, Crni vrh, west of the Malo Polje road, at an altitude of 1,510 metres (4,954 feet), the homonym highest elevation on the east side of this road reaches an elevation of 1,502 metres (4,928 feet). Most of Igman is covered with mixed forest with local pastures (f.i.:Veliko Polje: Large Field, Malo Polje: Small Field). Igman was the location of the lowest recorded temperature in the region, −43 °C (−45 °F). When the weather is right, from Igman mountaineers can see all the way to Montenegro and the Adriatic Sea. Igman has been the site of extensive combat during the 1992-95 Siege of Sarajevo and certain areas, in particular the surroundings of former front lines, feature a high mine risk.



Andìl Utrpení

by: Agmen

Kamenné modly nad krajinou ledu
mrazivé stíny v duších mrtvých
krvavé slzy zkrápìjí zem
temní andìlé zažehli hranici.
Kamenné modly nad krajinou ledu
z mrazivých stínù vychází žár,
krvavé slzy - nasáklá zem
temní andìlé utrpení.
Strážci dìsivých temnot
ochránci smrti a zatracených,
temný andìl utrpení
krvavým pláèem zkrápí zem.
Krutá vláda temné smrti
trýznivì ledová, nesmrtelná, nekoneèná.
Temný úsvit zabíjí slunce
temní andìlé na vìèném trùnu,
krvavé slzy z kamených model
ledová smrš zkrápí zem.
Bohové stínù, bouøí a vìtru
vláda temnot nad krajinou ledu,
mrazivé stíny oblehly modly
tìžký led zabarven krví.

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Igman .223 REM Introduction

Rumble 11 Mar 2025
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