Thamir Saleh Abdullah (Arabic:ثامر صالح عبد الله ; 14 April 1959 – 20 March 2002), more commonly known as Ibn al-Khattab or Emir Khattab (also transliterated as Amir Khattab and Ameer Khattab) meaning Commander Khattab, or Leader Khattab, and also known as Habib Abdul Rahman, was a Saudi Arabian-born Chechen independence fighter in the First Chechen War and the Second Chechen War.
The origins and real identity of Khattab remained a mystery to most until after his death, when his brother gave an interview to the press. He died on 20 March 2002 following exposure to a poison letter delivered via a courier who had been recruited by Russia's Federal Security Service.
At the age of 18, Khattab left Saudi Arabia to participate in the fight against the Soviet Union during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. During this time, he permanently incapacitated his right hand and lost several fingers after an accident with improvised explosives.
For context, the events of the series cover the historical period right before and during the caliphate of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, through the rule of Uthman ibn Affan and the subsequent unrest that led to his assassination.
Dubai... 67 of 1980. Also Read ... The memorandum referenced historical precedents, including increases to blood money during the era of CaliphUmar ibn al-Khattab, when camel prices — the traditional basis for calculating diya—had risen ... .