IAM may refer to:
IAM (pronounced as English "I am") is a French hip hop band from Marseille, created in 1989, and composed of Akhenaton (Philippe Fragione), Shurik'n (Geoffroy Mussard), Khéops (Eric Mazel), Imhotep (Pascal Perez), and Kephren (François Mendy). 'IAM' has several meanings, including 'Invasion Arrivée de Mars' ('Invasion from Mars', 'Mars' is frequently used as a metaphor for Marseille in IAM's songs). Another meaning is Imperial Asiatic Man, while AKH often refers to L'homme Impérial Asiatique.
One of IAM’s central themes in its songs is Africa. The group is one of the pioneer French rap groups and draws heavily on allusions to Africa, and particularly to ancient Egypt, in its music. Their 1991 song "Les tam-tam de l'Afrique" was one of the first French rap hits and the first song to deal expressly with the issue of slavery [needs citation]. Using a sample of a Stevie Wonder song, "Les tam-tam de l'Afrique" focuses on the “abduction of its inhabitants, the Middle Passage, and the plantation system in the Americas.”
A concept is an abstraction or generalization from experience or the result of a transformation of existing ideas. The concept is instantiated (reified) by all of its actual or potential instances, whether these are things in the real world or other ideas. Concepts are treated in many if not most disciplines both explicitly, such as in psychology, philosophy, etc., and implicitly, such as in mathematics, physics, etc. In informal use the word concept often just means any idea, but formally it involves the abstraction component.
In metaphysics, and especially ontology, a concept is a fundamental category of existence. In contemporary philosophy, there are at least three prevailing ways to understand what a concept is:
Concept is a 2014 board game developed by Alain Rivollet and Gaëtan Beaujannot and published by Repos. It was nominated for the Jeu de l'année prize in Cannes in 2014.
Concept is a quiz board game where players have to guess a concept, which can be a word, a name, or a phrase. Hints about the concept are given by marking the concept, its attributes, and related concepts on the game board with different-coloured markers. Giving verbal hints is not allowed.
The official rules state that the game is played with teams of two players each. On each team's turn, they draw a card and choose a concept from there. Each card has three difficulty levels (blue, red and black) with three concepts each.
The team then places a green question mark on the picture illustrating the main point of the concept. They can then further specify the concept with green cubes defining the attributes of the concept and optionally also specify related concepts with red, blue, yellow and black exclamation points and accordingly coloured cubes.
A concept is an idea, something that is conceived in the human mind.
Concept may also refer to: