IVC videotape format

IVC 2 inch Helical scan was a high-end broadcast quality helical scan analog recording VTR format developed by International Video Corporation (IVC), and introduced in 1975. Previously, IVC had made a number of 1 inch Helical VTRs. IVC saw a chance to make a VTR that would have the quality of the then-standard 2 inch Quadruplex videotape format but with the advantages of helical scan. They then developed a VTR using this technology, the IVC Model 9000.

  • IVC made the Model 9000 in five versions:
    • IVC 9000 (NTSC and PAL unit, could record for 2 hours on one 10.5 inch reel)
    • IVC 9000-4 (4 ips tape speed, Long Play, could record and play back 4 hours on one 10.5 inch reel
    • IVC 9000-W (8 MHz record and playback for super bandwidth)
    • IVC 9000-M (could record and playback video in the 655-line/48 field per second (24 frame/s) video standard)
    • IVC 9000-W-M (An IVC 9000-M with options from the 9000-W added to it, enabling both 8 MHz wideband video recording and 655/48 capability)
  • IVC 9000 (NTSC and PAL unit, could record for 2 hours on one 10.5 inch reel)
  • International Video Corporation

    International Video Corporation, or IVC, was a California company that manufactured several models of low to middle-end videotape recorders, or VTRs, for industrial and professional use. Their products were quite popular in the industrial and institutional markets.

    IVC 800 series 1 Inch VTR

    IVC 800 series 1 Inch VTR was very popular. 800 series are reel to reel helical 'mid band' color portable TVR using 1 inch/25mm tape running at 17.2 cm per second/6.77 inches/second.

    IVC 9000

    One of their last products before their end as a company was the legendary IVC model 9000 VTR, considered by some to be one of the best analog VTRs made. It used 2" tape, much like the 2" Quadruplex format, but using helical scanning for the recording & playback of the video tracks (as opposed to 2" Quadruplex's transverse scanning). The 9000 was used quite frequently for the production of most popular television series throughout the 1970s and 1980s, as it was capable of higher quality through many more generations than other available products. However, the leftover R & D costs from the development of the 9000 left IVC with having to go out of business by the late 1980s.



    Greenpeace 97

    by: I.f.k

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